

720p Lo sceicco bianco Watch Free

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Leopoldo Trieste, Alberto Sordi review=Lo sceicco bianco is a movie starring Alberto Sordi, Giulietta Masina, and Brunella Bovo. During a day in their honeymoon, a couple is separated by the city's lust and the desires it produces Duration=1 H 23 min average Rating=7,9 / 10 Italy.

Delorto, Delorto. delorto.


Lo sceicco bianco watch free play. Lo sceicco bianco watch free watch. Lo sceicco bianco watch free series. The protagonist is a stuffy little bureaucrat from a small town arriving for his honeymoon in Rome with his very sheltered (only a bit more than himself) young bride. He has few romantic thoughts on his mind. His main concern is a meeting with his uncle, a minor official at the Vatican, who has arranged an audience with the Pope.
While the jerk is taking a nap, his bride plots a momentary escape to fulfill her one wild fantasy- A meeting with the "White Sheik" a hero of the "frumetti. a sort of trashy photographic comic book popular in 50s Italy- to whom she has sent red hot fan mail. She learns that the studio is only a few blocks from the hotel and resolves to meet her secret love for just a minute and get back to the hotel in time. Through a comedy of errors she is accidentally "abducted" to a shooting session where she learns to be careful about what she wishes for. Meanwhile, her husband is desperately searching for her and coming up with all kinds of frantic excuses to his family for her absence. I won't describe the movie any further for the benefit of those who wish to see it.
A very effective comedy with plenty of innuendo for adults and even some slapstick and sight gags. Loads of laughs for young and old. A very sweet story that nevertheless contains some of the surrealistic elements of Fellini's later work. If possible, get the subtitled version. The Italian language enhances the comical effect. A real gem.

Indimenticabile Albertone.
Giulietta Masina in real life was a warm, and gracious woman. My friend John wanted to meet her husband, Fellini, and she said, Wait, I'll introduce you. And she did. An unpretentious, sweet and very gifted lady. And in this movie she stays eternally in your heart. I first saw LA STRADA as a youngster. I am now 71; I have never forgotten this film.


Lo sceicco bianco Watch free.

Lo sceicco bianco watch free 2017


The name Fellini brings to mind some of the great films of the 20th century; La Dolce Vita, La Strada, and 8 1/2 come to mind. However, every legend has a beginning, and Fellini's was here. Here, we see the neo-realist influence that affected most of his early work, and it works perfectly to capture the hustle and bustle of the city of Rome as well as tell the story of a newlywed couple on a perfect honeymoon with a not-so perfect relationship.
Fellini does remarkable work in cutting back and forth between the travels of the bride as she seeks out her favorite soap opera star, The White Sheik, and that of the groom desperately trying to impress his family. It gives a sense that even if dreams seem more fun and desirable than the real world we live in, it is not always perhaps the most beneficial path. This is a theory that seemed to change with time as Fellini's films became more dream-like, but here it is apparent that realism reigns, at least for this awe-struck couple.

Lo sceicco bianco watch free english. Che grande persona che sei Alberto, un abbraccio grande ovunque tu sia🤗🤗. New York le 17 octobre 2014 Souvenirs heureux d'une rencontre à Barri. Renaud. Lo sceicco bianco watch free movies. Lo sceicco bianco Watch free online. Lo sceicco bianco watch free full. Ótimo filme e a linda trilha de Nino Rota. Lo sceicco bianco Watch free software.

Lo sceicco bianco watch free 2. Lo sceicco bianco Watch free download. A Naaaaandoooo. Questa scena è pura poesia, altroché Sorrentino. Recensione di Giancarlo Zappoli mercoledì 22 gennaio 2020      Una coppia di sposini, Ivan e Wanda, arriva dalla provincia in viaggio di nozze a Roma. Lui vuole fare bella figura con i parenti romani che hanno entrature anche in Vaticano mentre lei vuole cercare di conoscere l'interprete del fotoromanzo che predilige, Lo Sceicco Bianco. Lasciato l'hotel per cercare di consegnargli un ritratto finirà con il conoscerne la mediocrità mentre il consorte sarà impegnato a non far capire ai parenti il suo allontanamento. Fellini, dirige il suo primo film totalmente personale (anche se con una sceneggiatura scritta con Tullio Pinelli a partire da un'idea di Michelangelo Antonioni e con la collaborazione di Ennio Flaiano). Lo sceicco bianco è un film così personale che Fellini descrisse in questi termini, in un libro-intervista di Giovanni Grazzini, la sua uscita da casa il primo giorno delle riprese: "Quella mattina (la mia prima mattina da regista) ero uscito di casa all'alba, dopo aver salutato Giulietta, un po' emozionata, e aver ricevuto gli auguri un po' scettici della governante, che sulla porta aveva ripetuto: 'Ma morirà di caldo, così! ', perché io, nonostante fosse già estate, mi ero vestito da regista: maglione, scarponi, gambali, vetrino affumicato al collo e un fischietto come gli arbitri di calcio". Il film dirottato da Cannes a Venezia, con l'eccezione di critici come Solmi, Kezich e pochi altri, non ebbe un'accoglienza favorevole. Sulla prestigiosa rivista "Bianco e nero" si poté leggere che si trattava una "prova di regia convenzionale, scadente e grossolana... senza appello". A distanza di anni quel critico fece ammenda ma all'epoca questo era stato il verdetto. Invece si tratta di un'opera che possiede in nuce molti elementi che Fellini svilupperà nella sua filmografia. A partire dallo stacco netto con il neorealismo. Il regista gira ancora in esterni a Roma ma si tratta già di una città non letta oggettivamente ma raccontata con lo sguardo di chi, come Ivan, vi si smarrisce in preda all'ansia dettata dal salvare le apparenze e di chi, in questo caso Wanda, per inseguire un sogno. Si veda, a titolo di esempio, il passaggio della banda dei bersaglieri con il coinvolgimento del sempre più affannato Ivan. C''è poi il versante della trasfigurazione della realtà in un sogno. Quando Wanda incontra lo Sceicco lui sta dondolando su un'altalena che si trova a una non realistica distanza da terra. Ma è così che lei lo vede nelle fasi iniziali, fino a quando lui (un Alberto Sordi assolutamente nella parte) si rivelerà un seduttore da strapazzo pronto ad approfittare dell'ingenuità altrui. Fellini inizia così la sua osservazione dell'animo umano con le luci e le ombre che lo segnano. Trieste e la Bovo hanno la faccia (e il doppiaggio) giusti per staccarsi dal regionalismo e divenire emblemi di un'Italia provinciale al contempo già pronta all'intrallazzo (Ivan e il posto a cui aspira grazie a raccomandazione) ma anche facile da affascinare (Wanda con i suoi eroi di carta) che la metropoli potrebbe corrompere definitivamente se vi permanessero più del dovuto. Inizia sempre qui lo studio dei personaggi di contorno (si veda il personale dell'albergo, il cast del fotoromanzo e i figuranti dell'ospedale) che poi renderà famose le 'facce' del cinema di Fellini. Un particolare aneddotico merita di essere citato. Il primo giorno delle riprese, di cui abbiamo riferito i prodromi, era prevista la scena di Sordi e della Bovo in barca ma la zattera su cui era piazzata la macchina da presa continuava ad oscillare per colpa delle onde vanificando le inquadrature. Così Fellini fu costretto, il giorno successivo, a girare sul bagnasciuga (nel film lo si nota). Roberto Rossellini non glielo perdonò mai.  Sei d'accordo con Giancarlo Zappoli? Scrivi a Giancarlo Zappoli Il tuo commento è stato registrato. Convalida adesso il tuo inserimento. Ti abbiamo appena inviato un messaggio al tuo indirizzo di posta elettronica. Accedi alla tua posta e fai click sul link per convalidare. Chiudi Il tuo commento è stato registrato. Grazie. Primo film interamente diretto da Fellini, un piccolo classico con Alberto Sordi. Una coppia di sposini provinciali si reca a Roma in viaggio di nozze. Lei, appena può, fugge per andare a vedere il suo idolo, il divo dei fotoromanzi che interpreta il personaggio dello Sceicco Bianco. Dapprima la donna accetta la pesante corte dell'attorucolo, ma poi si rende conto di quanto sia fasullo e torna dal marito che intanto ha avuto una sua avventuretta con una prostituta. Primo film interamente diretto da Fellini. Nonostante l'ottima interpretazione di Sordi non fu un successo, ma venne in seguito molto rivalutato ed è oggi considerato, giustamente, un piccolo classico. Su MYmovies il Dizionario completo dei film di Laura, Luisa e Morando Morandini Due sposini meridionali vanno in viaggio di nozze a Roma dove lei, accanita consumatrice di fotoromanzi, va a far visita all'eroe dei suoi sogni. 1° film di F. Fellini dopo la regia a mezzadria di Luci del varietà (1951). Irridente parata dei mediocri all'insegna di una vena caricaturale che qua e là diventa graffiante satira di costume. Un A. Sordi memorabile e una Roma ancora realistica, ma già deformata da un talento visionario. Da un'idea di M. Antonioni. Scritto da Fellini con T. Pinelli e E. Flaiano. 1° incontro Fellini/Nino Rota. Giulietta Masina nella particina di una prostituta: Cabiria.

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Qué mujer más hermosa! La más hermosa del mundo. Sublime. Lo sceicco bianco watch free stream. Nino Rota - Lo Sceicco bianco - From Fellini's Movie 'Lo Sceicco bianco' - Video Dailymotion. Lo sceicco bianco Watch free web site. 젤 소미나 이 영화 한국에서도 대박난 영화 입니다 ost가 명곡이죠. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Reviewed in the United States on June 23, 2017 Format: DVD Verified Purchase The directors cut is the only one worth watching. It comes across has a completely different story than the theatrical version. And is far closer to the source material and is a surprisingly great movie presented in the directors cut. Reviewed in the United States on August 4, 2018 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase This is probably the most effective use of Zack Snyder's particular style: dark backgrounds, sharp colors, slow-mo action, random splurts of blood, and a general dread pervading every scene: the world of Superheroes is on the precipice of annihilation. Even if you've seen this before, it's a remarkably engrossing movie -- probably thanks to its amazing cast: Jackie Earle Haley sinks into the growling, unflappable detective Rorschach, Jeffrey Dean Morgan smiles a big toothy smile while the psycho Comedian guns down Vietnamese soldiers, and Billy Crudup conveys a world of hope and hurt through Dr. Manhattan's monotone voice and slight facial tics (often enough to make you ignore his definitely visible blue dingdong). It's a movie that takes its time, introduces its heroes and makes their moral compasses crystal clear. We come to understand, and even sympathize, with all of their point-of-views that have grown gnarled, jaded, and subdued under the specter of the Cold War. And it quickly becomes apparent that the movie isn't really about the mystery of who killed the Comedian. It's really about a much deeper, simpler, and aggravatingly unclear question at the heart of Supehero mythos: is humanity even worth saving? And I admire that the movie refuses to answer. Reviewed in the United States on December 3, 2019 Format: Blu-ray Verified Purchase Okay, I've read some of the reviews on amazon that really don't explain any differences between the Director's Cut of Watchmen, and The Ultimate Cut. Mostly, I found alot of personal tastes and either complaining about the movie, or fanboys wishing it were a carbon copy of the comic novel. First off, I thought I WAS buying the Ultimate Cut of Watchmen on Blah-Ray. There are so many damned versions of this film available to purchase on amazon, that upon reviewing my purchase AFTER watching the film disc, I finally understood what I had done. This cut of the movie is NOT including the Black Freighter story arc of the Ultimate Edition. If you're reading this review, and want to know what the differences in the two versions are, then thank goodness, because there are almost 2000 reviews in front of me, and your perseverance is LUCKY. The missing elements from The Ultimate Cut are all three of the Black Freighter animated segments, starring Gerard Butler, and the surrounding story of the newstand dealer with the comic book reading kid who appear at the end to get vaporized by the Manhattan explosion in New York. That's IT. These scenes add alot to the flow of the story and these two characters, in particular. You understand the diversity that was overshadowed by compassionate humanity, in their deaths at the end, because of these added scenes. In the theatrical and director's cuts, they're just two random guys who embrace each other when getting vaporized. I honestly had to watch the Ultimate Cut a few times before understanding the relativity of the Black Freighter segments to the main storyline. It's not complicated, but also not obvious. It has more to do with Rorschach than anyone else, really. But overall, the purpose of the morality play of the Watchmen as a whole is what the Black Freighter story arc is all about. Honestly, I prefer the Director's Cut for a straightforward film, but I found myself missing these extra scenes while watching it. Mostly because the few extra scenes with the newsie and the kid add depth to the millions of people who lose their lives to Veidt's plan. They add a much needed face to all of us, in the midst of this giant superhuman struggle. It depends on what your mood is. Do you want a complex superhero gone wrong story, or do you want an epic thesis on the dilemma of vigilantism, and all of its consequences, therein? The Director's Cut and The Ultimate cut are the only two cuts that should be owned. The theatrical cut should fall by the wayside, as it screams of the down-and-dirty-cut-and-scratch method of the studio machine just trying to get its ticket sales. Reviewed in the United States on April 4, 2017 Format: Blu-ray Verified Purchase Amazon should have multiple criteria for disc reviews, as I would give the film four stars, but this release gets two from me. First, this is just a 2K version being released on the 4K platform; it did not come from a 4K scan, so it looks only marginally better than the Blu-ray. While advertised as a 4K/Blu-ray combo set, the Ultimate Cut is presented on the 4K disc, while the shorter (and frankly superior) Director's Cut is relegated to the Blu-ray. You can't get the Director's Cut on 4K. This is basically a repackaging of the Blu-ray Ultimate Cut set, though it leaves out the Watchmen Motion Comics disc that was presented with the earlier release. Annoying, but at least it doesn't claim otherwise. However, the slipcover does claim that it features two commentary tracks, one by Zack Snyder and one by Watchmen comic artist Dave Gibbons, and this is untrue. Neither commentary appears on this version; they can only be found on the previous Blu-ray version. This is false advertising, plain and simple. Perhaps someday a proper 4K release, featuring an actual 4K scan of the film, along with actual inclusion of the extras it claims to contain, will be released-I'd hold out for that. If you have the Blu-ray of the Director's Cut, there's no reason to upgrade to this version. If you have the Blu-ray of the Ultimate Cut, the only thing you are getting with this version is a mildly better picture, so decide for yourself if it's worth the price tag for that slight improvement, given that you'll need to hang onto your Blu-ray for the missing extras. Warner Brothers really dropped the ball on this one. Top international reviews 5. 0 out of 5 stars Endlich die beste Fassung! Reviewed in Germany on December 7, 2019 Verified Purchase Für mich gehört Watchmen zu den bisher besten Comicverfilmungen überhaupt. Die intelligente Story, die faszinierende Optik, die hervorragenden Effekte und die tollen Darsteller packen den Zuschauer regelrecht. Umso erstaunlicher war es, dass im Erscheinungsjahr 2009, der Film bei uns nur in der Kinofassung, aber nicht im wesentlich besseren Director's Cut veröffentlicht wurde. Zum Glück konnte ich damals während eines USA/Kanada-Urlaubs die kanadische Blu-ray mit dem Director's Cut kaufen. Dieser erweitert die Kinofassung durch eine Vielzahl neuer Szenen erheblich. Später erschien dann noch der Ultimate Cut, der den Film um seine Vorgeschichte durch die Integration des Kurzfilms "Tales of the Black Freighter" erweitert. Dieser Ultimate Cut erscheint nun, nach rund 10 Jahren, endlich auch bei uns. Sehr zur Freude, ist nun auch die Heimkinoauswertung auf 4K-Disc endlich der Güte des Films würdig. Die Bildqualität ist dank der Unterstützung von Dolby Vision gut gelungen. Es gibt kein Rauschen, jedoch (wahrscheinlich beabsichtigten) Filmkorn, dafür aber eine gute Schärfe, leuchte Farben und ein im Vergleich zur normalen Blu-ray besseres Kontrastverhältnis. Dieser 10-Jahre-alte Film sieht aus, wie viele aktuelle Produktionen. Auch das Tonerlebnis ist super. Die Geräuschkulisse ist ausgesprochen großzügig und wird durch kräftigen Basseinsatz unterstützt. Toll ist auch die atmosphärische Filmmusik. Der Englische Ton ist gegenüber der deutschen DD 5. 1-Tonspur jedoch klar dynamischer. Leider, haben es - wohl technisch bedingt - die vielen Extras der US-Blu-ray nicht auf diese Fassung geschafft, aber dennoch kann ich sagen, dass man nun endlich die beste Fassung des Films erhält. Movie lovers take heed. BARGAIN Reviewed in the United Kingdom on April 14, 2019 Format: Blu-ray Verified Purchase I love this film anyway and have wanted to see the ultimate cut for a while now, problem is you simply cannot find the Blu ray in the UK unless you want to pay silly money. So when I saw this I tried to find a UK version which apparently does not exist. So I bought this as a bit of a gamble and wow did it pay off! To start there a disc full of extras and then a Blu ray directors cut which plays in my Xbox One X ( apparently as its the US version it shouldn't) but then to top it off the Watchmen finally in glorious 4k.... It looks phenomenal, seriously the detail is brilliant and I have watched the Blu ray recently in order to compare and yes it looks so much more lifelike and fuller somehow. The Ultimate cut itself mixes the Directors cut with the cartoons from Black freighter to give you the complete comic book story feel and at 3 and a half hours it does just that believe me. Maybe the cut is not for everyone but this pack gives you a great cut in Blu ray and then brings this amazing movie up to the 4k definition it deserves. 2. 0 out of 5 stars Not for me Reviewed in the United Kingdom on December 6, 2018 Verified Purchase Too clever for it's own good in my opinion. This overcomplicates the story. Pretentious. Another film where the colours and lighting are all over the place too. This is fixable though, by changing settings to a vivid choice. Annoying narrator, who featured as one of the characters too. It made it sound as if it was a spoof movie at times. Who could possibly be the bad guy? on, who is the only British bloke with the Eton accent? Twists and turns ended up with a strange ending. I didn't follow that either. The bad guy wasn't sooo bad? he was. Finally. I felt the director was self indulgent. Trying to make a film that was some kind of classic like Donnie Darko. He failed for me. However, it does all fit together at the end. It's not that bad. As long as you don't mind violence for no necessary reason. So, I gave it 2 stars and accept that others see the film in a different way. It's all personal choice. Just Watched the 215 Minute 'Ultimate Cut' - Awesome! Reviewed in the United Kingdom on November 7, 2019 Verified Purchase Really enjoyed the cinematic release of the standard version some years back (there are lot of very good reviews here already highlighting the films strengths as a gritty and violent alt-take on the superhero/comic-book-to-movie genre) so in excitement of the new series coming we thought we'd give the extreme 'Ultimate Cut' a watch - the original isn't a short film by any means at 162 minutes, but this version takes the film's total run time to a stupendous 215 minutes! 3 and a half hours seemed like it might be a tough run but somehow the film never dragged once and felt just as engaging with the same level of substance and detail as the original. It's a great film, a great looking film and the Ultimate Cut doesn't spoil it or drag things out in the slightest and is well worth a watch if you loved the original. Different kinda dark superhero film Reviewed in the United Kingdom on July 17, 2019 Verified Purchase Who watches the watchers? This is Different, not worse. No Spoilers The polished CGI of Marvel's franchise is not as universal; what is splashed around here is mystery of the slow burn sinister type. There is a lot of interesting plot, double-cross-deep-game, detective work and impressive super hero ability-intelligence. It is much darker than Marvel. The production values are great, acting top notch and overall you walk away with the 'wow' that this genre demands. RECOMMENDED If you like a dark film Reviewed in the United Kingdom on July 22, 2015 Verified Purchase There are an array of in depth reviews on this film, so I'll keep it simple. If you like a dark film, based on what ifs, with a splash of Punisher type 'superheros' and an actual super hero (of sorts), with a deep political underlying story throughout, then you've love this film. The ultimate edition of this is great as it includes the Black Freighter cut throughout, which this version does not, so you'll have to buy that separately. Personally I prefer the ultimate edition, but that's rare as hens teeth to find (at a non ridiculous price). Long story short, buy this and you'll be very impressed with this post Vietnam comic book noir film. I can't rate it highly enough. Stands out from the crowd Reviewed in the United Kingdom on April 20, 2014 Verified Purchase Now watched Watchman a few times. Read the Comics when it came out monthly years is 90% based on graphic novel. Even most of scenes use the angles direct from book. The story is a simple who dunnit but with the historical twist, based on a different history than ours, this movie can be difficult to sually with the music its stunning. If you want to compare with the book try the DVD of the graphic novel where they animated direct from works very well.. Its a movie where money was no object so they were able to film any scene no matter how opening credits are over scenes that must have cost millions just to film but it all works in setting the context/history where film is set. No idea how much it cost to make but who cares, its out there for ever. Loads of money of course does not equal a good list of big budget Superhero or Fantasy movies that are just....... is long is not one of them. If you compare to, a Comic movie made with few $$$, Dredd 3D then you can see both extremes. Dredd of course is fantastic 90 mins of total glory. ( gory as well)Most fans of Dredd and Watchman will enjoy these movies no problem. I envy anyone who now sees Watchman for the first time. Just sit back and wallow in its stunning gigantic scenes, story and Yep CGI splendor. But don't forget Dredd, its a blast ( Make another one for cliffs sake) Like all fans of Dredd I will be in the queue at Cinema when the sequel is out. 4. 0 out of 5 stars A really good film regardless of genre Reviewed in the United Kingdom on June 10, 2013 Verified Purchase I came to this film with no preconceptions - so this is purely my view of the film. The film takes place against the twin backdrop of looming nuclear war between the USA and Russia during the Nixon era, and a society which had had masked 'super heros' working to protect it, but which had decided to 'retire' them in favour of standard policing. The plot starts with the killing of one such retired superhero by person unknown, and the efforts of the last functioning hero to track down the killer. As is the current tradition, the overall tone of the film is quite dark and is very stylishly shot with some super imagery. The superheros are shown as essentially 'normal' humans, with all the flaws, drives and uncertainties of any cross section of the population - the back story of each of the main ones is shown as flashbacks at appropriate times, which explain how and why they are as they are now. I found the characters to be easily identifiable as personalities, rather than just relying on how they looked, and this elevated the film beyond normal superhero fodder. The storyline was clear and well defined, and although I guessed the whodonit before the end I did not guess the final outcome. Overall a film which for me stands above its immediate peers, and one which would stand watching again. A memorable and enjoyable film. 4. 5 stars rounded down to 4 because nothing is perfect. Great film and fantastic book Reviewed in the United Kingdom on January 3, 2012 Verified Purchase Perhaps reading Watchmen, the graphic novel, before watching the film is a mistake judging from the reviews here - I can imagine that it's hard to match such expectation (or represent the entire story in one film). I did it the other way around and it couldn't have worked better. I can assure fans of the novel, those who claim that the film is utter garbage that is, that it does in fact translate much of the genius of the original book (for me). I sat for hours with a friend afterwards debating the nature of humanity, society, discourses, religion, nationhood... you get the point. The novel expanded on what the film had initiated when I read it, but I certainly wouldn't knock the film as much as some have been guilty of doing! This is an entertaining and evocative film which, for somebody who didn't know Watchmen by heart when watching it, captures the magic of the graphic novel well. I don't want to review the story or characters, because it's safe to say that this is one of the greatest fantasy creations out there, and it is obviously rich in subtexts and implicit social commentaries, as the original story is. As a film, it works well for me - I'll wear out my DVD player with this. It's entertaining, but more importantly, it's interesting and engaging at the same time - it's also well layered for repeat viewing and early morning analysis! And for all I've said about the brilliant graphic novel, I'm glad there's a film because there are times when it's just easier to watch a film - so I asy relax and enjoy instead of comparing formats! Incredible movie, just watch it! Reviewed in the United Kingdom on February 14, 2016 Verified Purchase Wow. This movie is just superb. I knew of Watchmen before this movie came out but had never read the Graphic Novel. I was expecting a 15 or even (god-forbid) a 12 rating, with a movie that pandered to a younger audience. But that being said, an 18 rating does not necessarily make a good movie. However as I said, this movie is superb. It is perhaps (in my opinion after reading the GN) the perfect homage to a superb Graphic Novel. I cannot say enough good about this movie without spoiling it so my advice is to simply watch it. The 2 Disk Import Directors cut... Reviewed in the United Kingdom on October 8, 2009 Format: DVD Verified Purchase... not the Blue Ray is what I'm outlining here. Let me say that I'm not a comic book fan in general, and - with the exception of Dan Dare (obviously) - own no comics other than those by Alan Moore. So that should put my review in a little context. Moore's a genius, there is no doubt, but a pretty painful one to be around or work with, by all accounts. With the exception of V for Vendetta, I think all of the attempts to put his work onto the big screen have been fairly awful and so I didn't hold out much hope for Watchmen (and - of course - Moore has famously distanced himself from all of these transcriptions [and for the most part, I don't blame him... ]) But... The film was very good. But the directors cut is much better. I for one don't object to the Pirate material being removed and I think making a separate animation of it that you could watch on your lap top while you watch the main film on a big TV is a masterful decision. I also don't object to the Alien Squid versus "It's all Doc Manhattan's fault" ending that the directors and writers substituted on this film - I think it works excellently and makes as much sense - if not more - than Moore (if you see what I mean). I applaud the book and the film for being pretty uncompromising in terms of both violence and its overall premise. What a fantastic luxury nowadays, in a world of 12a movies used as creches for children to watch highly inappropriate films while annoying the few adults in the cinema while the film is on, to see The Watchmen with my partner and a financially crippling (in the short term) very few other people in the audience. That this 'adult' film is then available - in an even more impenetrable and violent - and therefore even more 'adult' - version on extended DVD is to be applauded. An excellent graphic novel and a great film with a superb directors cut. Superb super(anti)hero movie Reviewed in the United Kingdom on June 1, 2015 Verified Purchase Always underrated by critics, this is a superb super(anti)hero movie, with great characterization and brilliant special FX. The more adult themes will suit those who preferred the Netflix Daredevil over the Flash. Those who have read the comics will not be disappointed. Yes, the ending is changed, but in my opinion for the better, The ending here makes much more sense. Blu-ray really looks fantastic, too, especially if you have a large screen, and sound system to taker advantage. Watchmen Reviewed in the United Kingdom on June 18, 2014 Verified Purchase This is the original theatrical movie uncut and on blu-ray. This film is very entertaining. Very mature, very stylish. If you're a fan of the graphic novel (as i am) it could go either way for you. The graphic novel is incredibly intricate with a heck of a lot of story and detail. The film being about 2hrs 40mins can never hope to cover everything and it works in the films favour that it doesn't try to. Because of this you might be disappointed not to see some of these like the black freighter comic book (which has been added to the ultimate cut btw) or some of the details about the characters history and one big one that featured heavily and throughout in the novel that i wont spoil for you here. An awful lot of the novel is in here though. In fact its almost a word for word adaptation and has most of the best bits of Rorschachs journal. I think that one of the best things about the movie is the casting choices. Each of the characters looks like they were drawn by Dave Gibbons and they act like how the characters were written. The comedian in particular but all of the main characters do this excellently. One last thing that i love about the film is the soundtrack. Each song fits perfectly to the scene, my favourite being the Blake funeral scene. All in all i would give this 8. 5/10. I really enjoyed it and its definitely worth a watch. Einfach ein toller Film Reviewed in Germany on August 9, 2018 Verified Purchase Der Film kam wie gewohnt in einer Umverpackung. Nach dem Auspacken habe ich den Film. Direkt gestartet und muss sagen, er läuft und macht was er soll. Zur Handlung brauche ich ja nicht mehr viel sagen ausser das er einfach nur zu empfehlen ist. Der Start ist direkt erstmal sehr action geladen und wirft viele Fragen auf, diese bleiben auch den ganzen Film über erhalten. Man bekommt während des Filmes einen sehr schönen Einblick in das Leben der Watchman. Und dann kommt ganz unerwartet das große Finale:) Mehr verrate ich jetzt aber nicht;) Volle Punkte da schnelle, gewohnte Lieferung, und daraus resultierend ein toller Film Abend:) Wenn Ihnen meine Rezension gefallen hat, würde ich mich sehr über einen Klick auf den hilfreich Button freuen. Grim Heroes with real life jaundiced out look Reviewed in the United Kingdom on July 22, 2013 Verified Purchase At first I got the impression it was a grown up version of the incredibles but it got very grim gritty and real. It gave you the impression it is how the real world would affect those who would be superheroes. Very different from the comic book images of super heroes but one that some comic story book story lines hinted at. I never read any of the watchmen comics and found the film to be a real surprise with its grimy realism and graphic violence It seriously alters your ideas about superheroes. Will it did mine. It was entertaining to watch and quite thought provoking about many issues contained in the storylines within the film. So if you are looking for a good film then get it but if you are looking for a more traditional superhero story then keep on looking.

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Publisher - Dale Edwin Wittig
Bio: Artist, originally from Connecticut, but living in California for the last thirty years, draws, paints, writes, and publishes small editions of books.




≈release date≈ Movie O Caso Richard Jewell

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Columnist: O Poderoso Chofer

Resume: Vou-lhe fazer uma oferta que não poderá recusar. Entre no carro!


Richard Jewell is a movie starring Paul Walter Hauser, Sam Rockwell, and Brandon Stanley. American security guard Richard Jewell saves thousands of lives from an exploding bomb at the 1996 Olympics, but is vilified by journalists

Paul Walter Hauser

Writed by=Marie Brenner

Clint Eastwood

7127 votes


O caso de richard jewell critica. O caso richard jewell. O Caso Richard jewellers. Of all the lives the FBI ruined, his was the saddest. The AJC is crap journalism, I'm a native Atlantan and never read that rag. Así como Gran Torino, está película te deja un aprendizaje muy vg, te hace empatizar con el protagonista y saber que Clint debe seguir haciendo películas así. I have a cool pic of myself in front of the bombing the day after. I was in the army providing support for the Olympics. Great times.

To my FBI agent: please give Mrs Jewell her Tupperware and Disney tapes back. Wow, Eastwood really outdid himself with this one.
I was not expecting anything good from this because few people are seeing it in theatres and rating it on here, but the performances are top notch, directing fantastic, story heartbreaking.
I definitely see why this is getting all the awards nominations. Best Actor, Best Director, Best Picture, Best Supporting Actor and Actress noms should all come from this.
Don't be deceived by the lack of box office revenue or lack of reviews on here. This is definitely a must-see movie. It's way better than Sully imo and I honestly can't say enough about how well-directed it is and how well the story is told. Definitely shed some tears while watching this one.

Thank You Mr. EASTWOOD, YOU MADE THE MOVIE, NOW I KNOW, YOUR MORE THAN JUST A ACTOR. BUT A HUMAN. NOW WE ALL FEEL LUCKY. This man is a Hero! ❤. The See Something Say Something Campaign. can get you accused if you report something. They havent learned anything. This guy should get compensation for this for the rest of his life. The US government pays people for their own bad decisions, it is justified to make sure this man never has to work again if he doesn't work again. That is the price you pay for leaks. It is only fair. Kathy Bates merece ganar el Oscar otra vez. Baixar: ☛☛ Baixar: ☛☛ SINOPSE E DETALHES Baseado na história de Richard Jewell, primeiro herói e depois suspeito do atentado à bomba durante os Jogos Olímpicos de 1996, em Atlanta. ✅ Argumento: Billy Ray Tag: O Caso de Richard Jewell assistir filme completo O Caso de Richard Jewell assistir filme completo dublado O Caso de Richard Jewell filme completo assistir online O Caso de Richard Jewell filme completo dublado assistir online gratis O Caso de Richard Jewell filme completo dublado em português O Caso de Richard Jewell filme completo online O Caso de Richard Jewell filme completo dublado hd O Caso de Richard Jewell filme estreia brasil O Caso de Richard Jewell filme completo baixar baixar filme O Caso de Richard Jewell dublado avi baixar filme O Caso de Richard Jewell 2020 dublado O Caso de Richard Jewell filme completo dublado online Written by Welcome to a place where words matter. On Medium, smart voices and original ideas take center stage - with no ads in sight. Watch Follow all the topics you care about, and we’ll deliver the best stories for you to your homepage and inbox. Explore Get unlimited access to the best stories on Medium — and support writers while you’re at it. Just $5/month. Upgrade.

O caso richard jewell documentario. If I ever see anything that looks like a bomb, I think would be best off to just move away from it and warn nobody. Especially now that I know that it is standard protocol for law enforcement to suspect the person who finds the bomb. Clint nunca me decepcionás. A Warner é foda, porra. Dios se ve genial la pelicula. Fbi 👎👎👎news 👎👎👎richard 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍. O caso richard jewell teaser.

This is so messed up. O caso richard jewell trailer. O caso richard jewell musica do trailer. O caso richard jewell historia real. Fbi has to learn not all 'profiles ' fit a crime most I would think need help in getting such materials or a network of people would finance such a thing. and they never caught anyone. strange. Assistir O Caso Richard Jewell 2019 Dublado Online Assistir O Caso Richard Jewell Dublado Online Topflix A história real de Richard Jewell (Paul Walter Hauser), segurança que se tornou um dos principais suspeitos de bombardear as Olimpíadas de Atlanta, no ano de 1996. Na realidade, ele foi o responsável por ajudar inocentes a fugirem do local e avisar da existência de um dos explosivos. O Caso Richard Jewell Dublado filme completo online grátis Assistir O Caso Richard Jewell Dublado filme completo online grátis Assistir O Caso Richard Jewell Legendado completo online grátis Download O Caso Richard Jewell Dublado e Legendado grátis Download O Caso Richard Jewell Torrent Como Assistir O Caso Richard Jewell Dublado Online Grátis Assista filmes online HD na sua smart tv e celular - Trailer no youtube. Sinopse, elenco, direção, imagens e muito mais sobre o filme.

O caso richard jewell filme completo dublado. This is similar to Donald trump... thats Eastwoods message. 0:28 ویدیو بعدی "O Caso Richard Jewell " ~ Ver ~ Completo FIlme em Português Doblado* از کانال slahnfoinak56 ویدیو بعدی Filme O Caso Richard Jewell Completo Online Ver em Português 29:51 ویدیو بعدی درباره ی زنانگی پنهان چقدر می دانید؟ از کانال mpaign 2:27 ویدیو بعدی El caso de Richard Jewell película ver online latino completas gratis از کانال anzhirfas 2:26 ویدیو بعدی تریلر فیلم Richard Jewell 2019 از کانال کمیاب مووی- kamyabmovie 2:10:49 ویدیو بعدی Richard Jewell Full Movie free DOwnLOAD از کانال Whighwand5 1:57:08 ویدیو بعدی Richard Jewell full movie watch online hd از کانال Ensterly240 2:10:53 ویدیو بعدی Richard Jewell Full MoviE Watch OnlinE StreaminG از کانال Equitittrd 2:33 ویدیو بعدی Richard Jewell guarda film gratis streaming 2019 0:23 ویدیو بعدی Richard Jewell Film Completo Streaming ITA Altadefinizione Guarda از کانال 54ykilolp.

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Saw the movie great movie I love a true underdog story and the truth coming out in the end RIP Richard jewell her mother should be proud I know iam rip Richard.


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And the moral of the story is, If you see something, don't say anything

Lol blaming the lawyer for not being cooperative. after they startet the witch hunt along with the press. For a suspect I believe that there barely was a case in history in wich cooperating with them helped to exanerate the suspect. if and all talking can and will result in a suspect telling lies even if he did not want to tell a lie, or making mistakes and the saying everything you say can and will be hold against you in a court of law is exactly what will happen... you lie or tell something the wrong way, even by mistake your credibility is gone. and if that wasn´t enough, they will use a lot of pressuring tactics to make you say things and even confess to something you did not even do. Oh and by the way, there is NO: everything yoou say can and will be used FOR you in a court of law. So you telling them stuff that could help solve the case but is exanerating you will only help you if they have another suspect and before that happens... so they would keep quiet about that sort of thing.

O caso richard jewell trailer legendado. O caso richard jewell história.

A genuine hero. This was disgusting what they did to him

O caso richard jewell wikipedia. They really wanted to shut that first person up🤔. O caso richard jewellery. O Caso Richard jeweller. Whos the actor of eric rudolph in this movie. Really well-done movie. Saw it tonight with my wife and we really liked it. O caso de richard jewell historia real.

Well if his blinds are drawn he must have been guilty.

What exactly is “that look about him”? What a joke

O Caso Richard jewellery. I found out about this horrible story a year or so ago ad so glad his name will be cleared to everyone who still thinks he did it. They ruined his life, he died in his 40's and im sure the stress and all he went thru affected him alot. This was another stain on the POTUS. O caso richard jewell história real. I like how YouTube original has pretty big conspiracy movie and yet mention ya know other conspiracy then you get the boot. O Caso Richard jewell. Richard Jewell Born Richard White [1] December 17, 1962 Danville, Virginia [1] Died August 29, 2007 (aged 44) Woodbury, Georgia Other names Richard Allensworth Jewell Occupation Security guard, Georgia law enforcement officer (Police Officer & Deputy Sheriff, at the time of his death). Known for July 1996: discovered pipe bomb at Centennial Olympic Park during the 1996 Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta, Georgia, helped evacuate people from the area before the bomb exploded three days later: falsely implicated by media and FBI of planting the bomb himself October 1996: exonerated by an FBI investigation Richard Allensworth Jewell (born Richard White; [1] December 17, 1962 – August 29, 2007) was an American security guard and police officer famous for his role in the events surrounding the Centennial Olympic Park bombing at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia. While working as a security guard for AT&T, in connection with the Olympics, he discovered a backpack containing three pipe bombs on the park grounds. [1] Jewell alerted police and helped evacuate the area before the bomb exploded, saving many people from injury or death. Initially hailed by the media as a hero, Jewell was later considered a suspect, before ultimately being cleared. Despite never being charged, he underwent a " trial by media ", which took a toll on his personal and professional life. Jewell was eventually exonerated, and Eric Rudolph was later found to have been the bomber. [2] [3] In 2006, Governor Sonny Perdue publicly thanked Jewell on behalf of the State of Georgia for saving the lives of people at the Olympics. [4] Jewell died on August 29, 2007, at age 44 due to heart failure from complications of diabetes. Personal life [ edit] Jewell was born Richard White in Danville, Virginia, the son of Bobi, an insurance claims coordinator, and Robert Earl White, who worked for Chevrolet. [1] Richard's birth-parents divorced when he was four. When his mother remarried to John Jewell, an insurance executive, his stepfather adopted him. [1] Bombing [ edit] Centennial Olympic Park was designed as the "town square" of the Olympics, and thousands of spectators had gathered for a late concert and merrymaking. Sometime after midnight, July 27, 1996, Eric Robert Rudolph, a terrorist who would later bomb a lesbian nightclub and two abortion clinics, planted a green backpack containing a fragmentation-laden pipe bomb underneath a bench. Jewell was working as a security guard for the event. He discovered the bag and alerted Georgia Bureau of Investigation officers. This discovery was nine minutes before Rudolph called 9-1-1 to deliver a warning. During a Jack Mack and the Heart Attack performance, Jewell and other security guards began clearing the immediate area so that a bomb squad could investigate the suspicious package. The bomb exploded 13 minutes later, killing Alice Hawthorne and injuring over one hundred others. A cameraman also died of a heart attack while running to cover the incident. Investigation and the media [ edit] Early news reports lauded Jewell as a hero for helping to evacuate the area after he spotted the suspicious package. Three days later, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution revealed that the FBI was treating him as a possible suspect, based largely on a "lone bomber" criminal profile. For the next several weeks, the news media focused aggressively on him as the presumed culprit, labeling him with the ambiguous term " person of interest ", sifting through his life to match a leaked "lone bomber" profile that the FBI had used. The media, to varying degrees, portrayed Jewell as a failed law enforcement officer who may have planted the bomb so he could "find" it and be a hero. [5] A Justice Department investigation of the FBI's conduct found the FBI had tried to manipulate Jewell into waiving his constitutional rights by telling him he was taking part in a training film about bomb detection, although the report concluded "no intentional violation of Mr. Jewell's civil rights and no criminal misconduct" had taken place. [6] [7] [8] Jewell was never officially charged, but the FBI thoroughly and publicly searched his home twice, questioned his associates, investigated his background, and maintained 24-hour surveillance of him. The pressure began to ease only after Jewell's attorneys hired an ex-FBI agent to administer a polygraph, which Jewell passed. [5] On October 26, 1996, the investigating US Attorney, Kent Alexander, in an extremely unusual act, sent Jewell a letter formally clearing him, stating "based on the evidence developed to date... Richard Jewell is not considered a target of the federal criminal investigation into the bombing on July 27, 1996, at Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta". [9] Libel cases [ edit] After his exoneration, Jewell filed lawsuits against the media outlets which he said had libeled him, primarily NBC News and The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and insisted on a formal apology from them. In 2006, Jewell said the lawsuits were not about money, and that the vast majority of the settlements went to lawyers or taxes. He said the lawsuits were about clearing his name. [5] Richard Jewell v. Piedmont College [ edit] Jewell filed suit against his former employer Piedmont College, Piedmont College President Raymond Cleere and college spokesman Scott Rawles. [10] Jewell's attorneys contended that Cleere called the FBI and spoke to the Atlanta newspapers, providing them with false information on Jewell and his employment there as a security guard. Jewell's lawsuit accused Cleere of describing Jewell as a "badge-wearing zealot" who "would write epic police reports for minor infractions". [11] Piedmont College settled for an undisclosed amount. [12] Richard Jewell v. NBC [ edit] Jewell sued NBC News for this statement, made by Tom Brokaw, "The speculation is that the FBI is close to making the case. They probably have enough to arrest him right now, probably enough to prosecute him, but you always want to have enough to convict him as well. There are still some holes in this case. " [13] Even though NBC stood by its story, the network agreed to pay Jewell $500, 000. [10] Richard Jewell v. New York Post [ edit] On July 23, 1997, Jewell sued the New York Post for $15 million in damages, contending that the paper portrayed him in articles, photographs and an editorial cartoon as an "aberrant" person with a "bizarre employment history" who was probably guilty of the bombing. [14] He eventually settled with the newspaper for an undisclosed amount. [15] Richard Jewell v. Cox Enterprises (d. b. a. Atlanta Journal-Constitution) [ edit] Jewell also sued the Atlanta Journal-Constitution newspaper because, according to Jewell, the paper's headlines read, "FBI suspects 'hero' guard may have planted bomb", "pretty much started the whirlwind". [16] In one article, the Atlanta Journal compared Richard Jewell's case to that of serial killer Wayne Williams. [13] [17] The newspaper was the only defendant that did not settle with Jewell. The lawsuit remained pending for several years, having been considered at one time by the Supreme Court of Georgia, and had become an important part of case law regarding whether journalists could be forced to reveal their sources. Jewell's estate continued to press the case even after his death in 2007, but in July 2011 the Georgia Court of Appeals ruled for the defendant. The Court concluded that "because the articles in their entirety were substantially true at the time they were published—even though the investigators' suspicions were ultimately deemed unfounded—they cannot form the basis of a defamation action. " [18] CNN [ edit] Although CNN settled with Jewell for an undisclosed monetary amount, CNN maintained that its coverage had been "fair and accurate". [19] Aftermath [ edit] In July 1997, U. S. Attorney General Janet Reno, prompted by a reporter's question at her weekly news conference, expressed regret over the FBI's leak to the news media that led to the widespread presumption of his guilt, and apologized outright, saying, "I'm very sorry it happened. I think we owe him an apology. I regret the leak. " [20] The same year, Jewell made public appearances. He appeared in Michael Moore 's 1997 film, The Big One. He had a cameo in the September 27, 1997 episode of Saturday Night Live, in which he jokingly fended off suggestions that he was responsible for the deaths of Mother Teresa and Princess Diana. [21] In 2001, Jewell was honored as the Grand Marshal of Carmel, Indiana's Independence Day Parade. Jewell was chosen in keeping with the parade's theme of "Unsung Heroes". [22] On April 13, 2005, Jewell was exonerated completely when Eric Rudolph, as part of a plea deal, pled guilty to carrying out the bombing attack at Centennial Olympic Park, as well as three other attacks across the southern U. Just over a year later, Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue honored Jewell for his rescue efforts during the attack. [23] [24] Jewell worked in various law enforcement jobs, including as a police officer in Pendergrass, Georgia. He worked as a deputy sheriff in Meriwether County, Georgia until his death. He also gave speeches at colleges. [5] On each anniversary of the bombing until his illness and eventual death, he would privately place a rose at the Centennial Olympic Park scene where spectator Alice Hawthorne died. [25] Death and legacy [ edit] Jewell died on August 29, 2007, at the age of 44. He was suffering from serious medical problems that were related to diabetes. [4] Richard Jewell, a biographical drama film, was released in the United States on December 13, 2019. [26] The film was directed and produced by Clint Eastwood. It was written by Billy Ray, based on the 1997 article "American Nightmare: The Ballad of Richard Jewell, " by Marie Brenner, and the book The Suspect: An Olympic Bombing, the FBI, the Media, and Richard Jewell, the Man Caught in the Middle (2019) by Kent Alexander and Kevin Salwen. [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] Jewell is played by Paul Walter Hauser. See also [ edit] Steven Hatfill and Bruce Edwards Ivins, two men who were sequentially subjected to similar media attacks and reputation destruction after FBI leaks identifying them as suspects in the 2001 anthrax attacks Yoshiyuki Kōno, a man who was subjected to a comparable " trial by media " in Japan as a suspect in the Matsumoto sarin attack Brandon Mayfield, an American Muslim man who was falsely accused of involvement in the 2004 Madrid train bombings Media circus Scapegoating References [ edit] ^ a b c d e f "American Nightmare: The Ballad of Rick Jewell". Vanity Fair. February 1, 1997. Retrieved July 22, 2016. ^ "Anthrax Investigation (online chat with Marilyn Thompson, Assistant Managing Editor, Investigative)". The Washington Post. July 3, 2003. ^ National Journal Global Security Newswire (August 13, 2002). "Anthrax: FBI Denies Smearing Former US Army Biologist". Archived from the original on April 19, 2005. Retrieved September 28, 2006. ^ a b Sack, Kevin (August 30, 2007). "Richard Jewell, 44, Hero of Atlanta Attack, Dies". New York Times. Richard A. Jewell, whose transformation from heroic security guard to Olympic bombing suspect and back again came to symbolize the excesses of law enforcement and the news media, died Wednesday at his home in Woodbury, Georgia. The cause of death was not released, pending the results of an autopsy that to be performed by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. But the coroner in Meriwether County said Jewell died of natural causes and that he had battled serious medical problems since learning that he had diabetes in February. ^ a b c d Weber, Harry R. (August 30, 2007). "Former Olympic Park Guard Jewell Dies". Associated Press in The Washington Post. Security guard Richard Jewell was initially hailed as a hero for spotting a suspicious backpack and moving people out of harm's way just before a bomb exploded, killing one and injuring 111 others. But within days, he was named as a suspect in the blast. ^ Sack, Kevin (April 9, 1997). "U. Says F. B. I. Erred in Using Deception in Olympic Bomb Inquiry". The New York Times. ^ "Jewell wants probe of FBI investigation". CNN. July 30, 1997. ^ "The Activities of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (Part III)". House of Representatives, Subcommittee on Crime, Committee on the Judiciary,. July 30, 1997. CS1 maint: extra punctuation ( link) ^ "Jewell cleared of Olympic park bombing". October 26, 1996. ^ a b "Jewell sues newspapers, former employer for libel". January 28, 1997. ^ "Ex-Suspect in Bombing Sues Newspapers, College; Jewell's Libel Claim Seeks Unspecified Damages". Washington Post. January 29, 1997. Archived from the original on October 20, 2012. Retrieved July 16, 2008. ^ "Jewell settles with college". Lakeland Ledger. August 27, 1997. Retrieved May 5, 2010. ^ a b Ostrow, Ronald J. (June 13, 2000). "Richard Jewell Case Study". Columbia University. ^ Jones, Dow (July 24, 1997). "Richard Jewell Files Suit Against The Post". The New York Times. ^ Weber, Harry (August 30, 2007). "Former Olympic Park guard Jewell dies". USA Today. Retrieved April 18, 2013. ^ "60 Minutes II: Falsely Accused". 60 Minutes II. CBS Worldwide. June 26, 2002. Retrieved August 2, 2006. ^ Fennessy, Steve (August 1, 2001). "The wheels of justice - After five years, Richard Jewell v. AJC a long way from over". Creative Loafing. ^ Bryant v. Cox Enterprises, Inc., 311 Ga. App. 230 (Ga. Ct. 2011). ^ Fox, James Alan (September 17, 2009). "Commentary: Don't name 'person of interest' - CNN". CNN. ^ "Reno to Jewell: 'I regret the leak ' ". July 31, 1997. ^ "Saturday Night Live: Weekend Update Segment - Richard Jewell". NBC. ^ "Carmelfest filled with fun for everyone" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on March 17, 2005.   (423 KB) ^ "Jewell Finally Honored As A Hero | ". Gannett via WGRZ. August 2, 2006. Retrieved September 22, 2012. ^ Perdue, Sonny (August 1, 2006). "Governor Perdue Commends Richard Jewell". Office of the Governor of the State of Georgia. The bottom line is this – Richard Jewell's actions saved lives that day. He deserves to be remembered as a hero, " said Governor Sonny Perdue. "As we look back on the success of the Olympics games and all they did to transform Atlanta, I encourage Georgians to remember the lives that were spared as a result of Richard Jewell's actions. " ^ Weber, Harry R. (September 4, 2007). "Former security guard Richard Jewell memorialized a hero".. The Associated Press. ^ Ramos, Dino-Ray (October 8, 2019). "Clint Eastwood's 'Richard Jewell' To Make World Premiere At AFI Fest". Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved October 9, 2019. ^ Climek, Chris. "Review: 'Richard Jewell' Clears One Name While Smearing Another". NPR. Retrieved December 13, 2019. ^ Brenner, Marie (February 1997). "American Nightmare: The Ballad of Richard Jewell". Retrieved December 6, 2019. ^ Kent Alexander and Kevin Salwen (2019). The Suspect: An Olympic Bombing, the FBI, the Media, and Richard Jewell, the Man Caught in the Middle, Abrams, ISBN   1683355245. ^ "Stop defending an irresponsible movie and start apologising | Benjamin Lee | Film". The Guardian. December 13, 2019. Retrieved December 14, 2019. ^ Marc Tracy. "Clint Eastwood's 'Richard Jewell' Is at the Center of a Media Storm". The New York Times. Retrieved December 14, 2019. Further reading [ edit] Kent Alexander; Kevin Salwen (2019). Suspect: An Olympic Bombing, the FBI, the Media, and Richard Jewell, the Man Caught in the Middle. Harry N. Abrams. ISBN   978-1419734625. External links [ edit] " Richard Jewell v. NBC, and other Richard Jewell cases". Libel and Slander. May 18, 2011 Farnsworth, Elizabeth (October 28, 1996). "Olympic Park: Another Victim". PBS NewsHour. " 'All I did was my job': Decade later, pain of being called bombing suspect fresh to Richard Jewell". NBC News / Associated Press. July 27, 2006. Richard Jewell at Find a Grave ESPN 30 for 30 clip.

O caso richard jewell filme. O caso de richard jewell. O caso richard jewell imdb. My mom and me cant wait to see this, I wasnt even thought of yet, because my mom was 10 when this happened, but I like watching and reading true stories. O caso richard jewell elenco. Go RICHARD 💙. Caso richard jewell.






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51 Votes Abstract: A pair of teenage girls in rural Pennsylvania travel to New York City to seek out medical help after an unintended pregnancy cast: Théodore Pellerin Release Year: 2020 Writed by: Eliza Hittman.

So lovely ❤❤kisssssss. Albert cant lie guess so fuckboi. It would be nice if the trailer didn't show scenes from the whole movie. Papa Chi Chi has no choice Hahahaha. Green, Blue, Silver One month AFC Sol System While watching through the window, Amark was still amazed the Gaian’s *had* windows on their ships, he was able to see the rippling distortion of space as the ship exits it’s slip space jump. He hadn’t even noticed it had started, in fact if they hadn’t said ‘Slip space jump in five, four, three, two, one, mark” he never knew anything happened at all. He took a moment to glance around at the other Hierarchy species that were on the vessel. A small group of was rare. A few Gome like himself, that he could spot their horns. Quite a lot of Liath Beta’s, distinct grey skin and large bald heads made them stand out of a crowd. But what took up the most of the shuttle were Nymphilians. Tall, slender, pink skinned, always wearing those coverings over the top portions of their faces, antenna protruding from the tops of their heads, ears standing out from the sides of their heads almost as wide as their shoulders.. It was the one secret the Nymphilian had, what was under the mask? Did they have eyes? They clearly saw, often making comments on colors and the like, so it didn’t hinder that. Chittering from some Inquai looking out the window caught his attention and he turned just as the intercom chimed on. “Welcome to Gaia folks. ” Amark stared out the window and gawked. It was such a pretty world! Oceans of blue water, lush green land. It looked so pristine! Soon though his eye caught the glimpse of something shimmering. Light hitting something and making it sparkle. And he spotted the massive space station hovering in orbit around the planet, it was easily the size of a small moon! It turns out, that was the subject of the Inquai chittering, and many other conversations. The massive object surely affected the planet, it would have some kind of gravitational pull. A nearby human must have heard the chittering and started talking to the Inquai about it, though Armak approached to listen as well as the Inquai raised the question. “Why do you disrupt your planet’s gravity with the giant station? ” The human has a look of sadness on their face a moment. “We had a natural one. It got stolen. ” Inquai chittering filled the air. Steal a moon? Of that size? Clearing their throat to get the attention back on them, the human resumed speaking. “Though, if it wasn’t for them we wouldn’t have figured out slip space jumping. ” A chuckle escaping them followed by a sigh. “It was after the unification wars. We had won. All those who refused to live under the Imperium were moved to the moon. We built everything they would need to be self sufficient… the exception of us sending them raw materials. It had worked for decades too. Or so we thought. ” Slouching shoulders and a soft grumble from the human. “Then, the day after the Imperator Gone. ” Armak was still in the process of going through the Gaian history, prefering to start with more recent news and working his way back. So he had no idea who this Imperator was, but context implied a great war hero, one these moon stealers feared enough to wait for their death to act. The Inquai, ever the curious little critters, were still full of questions. “You had a moon and it was stolen?! gravity from the moon affects your world! On Inqa we have several moons and when they are overhead they pull water high so our crops can flourish. I cannot imagine what we would do without our moons…” And in classic Gaian fashion the human shrugged. “Make new ones. I’ve watched you little folks build, you are a very industrious people. ” That warm, and thankfully toothless smile, on the human’s face as the Inquai chitter in delight at the compliment, but they still look out at the massive construction. “Thank you Gaian, but... I do not think my people could construct a fake moon. The raw materials aside, getting it to match the mass and gravity of the old we honestly don’t have enough information on our moons to do so! ” The human lets out a hearty chuckle. “Well, we did build several cities on the moon. Plenty of time to study it as well. ” The human’s eyes were staring forward, that distinct ‘distant thinking’ face the Gaian’s did. “We lucked out back then too. The station was already being built before the moon was stolen, but it was just a skeleton and was a lot smaller than what we currently have. So we took the small skeleton and crammed a gravity generator inside of it. ” Shrugging their shoulders. “That took... a few years. It might not have had the mass of the moon but it kept things stable like one. And we kinda off of it. And eventually it became Lua station. ” A proud smile on the human’s face. “It’s also probably our biggest “Fuck you” weapon. ” Ah yes, Gaian’s and their weaponry. There is apparently an ancient Gaian saying, “Hand someone anything, they will eventually use it as a hammer. ” or something like that. It seemed true, no matter what these Gaian’s built it had some kind of weapon built into it, or sometimes the object itself could be used a weapon. Armak remembers how the Gaian ships were designed to actually ram into other ships as a desperate last move. Not even the best shield technology could handle that much mass coming down on them. The chittering of the Inquai brings Armak from his thoughts and he glanced to the window. Fire. Jumping back, Armak is caught by the human who just chuckles. “What, never entered the atmosphere before? ” Armak was trying to find his words, staring at the obvious heat outside the window. “Not with a ‘window’ being the only thing between me and a fiery death. How you Gaians manage this without shield technology is beyond me. ” Armak breathed, calming himself. A bellowing chuckle escaped the human as he just gently pats Armak’s back. “We have had a lot of practice doing this. Even our early rockets that we strapped people into and fired out into space had windows. I mean why go out into space if you’re not going to be able to look at it? ” With a grumble, Armak just huffed. “Camera’s can record just fine. ” The human looks down at Armak, smirking. “You think a recording could have done the view of Gaia justice? ” And then Armak thought about it. He had been enraptured by the view of the planet from above. He had seen pictures of it yes, and pictures of his home world had a warm place in his heart. But he just realized he had never seen it from space, like he had Gaia, and the view was breathtaking. It made him silently wonder if his own world would look as stunning to him. Armak hadn’t even noticed the human had left. He wondered how long he had been in silent contemplation before the intercom rang again. “And we have landed. Please gather your carry on luggage and depart the ship in a safe and orderly fashion. ” The Gome looked around a moment, he had all that he had on him. One bag with clothing in it, another with simple trinkets of personal value. With a deep inhale he readied himself and departed the ship with the other immigrants. People departed the ship, stepping off of it and onto the ground of the planet. Immediately many groaned and Armak soon found out why as he stepped off the ship. Gravity. It wasn’t oppressive, but everything just felt heavier immediately. He had never been on another world before, but he knew no world was this heavy. Stepping forward he huffed some, knowing he was going to get a good work out from just lugging his stuff around. So, this is how humans got so strong huh? He was busy thinking to himself before a Gaian approached him. Soft, feminine voice. “Need any help? ” With a moment of hesitation, Armak nodded. “Please? ” A warm toothless smile on the woman’s face as she takes Armak’s luggage, gently and effortlessly carrying it and following behind Armak as he made his way to one of the desks. He had noticed many others were there already, humans and anthro’s beside them carrying their luggage. Then he saw one. Three meters tall, metal skin, pointed face, a Technomorph! One of the military ones too, he recognized the shape from the first contact footage. However, this one nfusing. A distended stomach, a sign of either intense gorging on food or pregnancy. He didn’t know what was more weird. A machine that eats and gets fat, or one that could be impregnated? Then he recalled they were hybrids of the organic Gaian’s, and his eyes shot back up to their chest breasts. The Gaian’s were all mammalian, the females have breasts, males don’t. But he couldn’t be sure it wasn’t a female, he remembers the anatomy lessons that some Gaian’s have such small breasts they can’t be told apart from males. “Damn it man would you wait up! ” The voice called out, and Armak glanced and saw a human. Red hair, blue eyes, specs of silver on the human’s face. They were huffing, trotting along carrying large duffel bags, each of which could easily fit a Gome and the bags looked full. “It’s not my fault we are here Kevin~ Your mother insisted on meeting the person carrying her grandchild. ” Well, that answered Armak’s earlier question on if the Technomorph was male or female. Kevin finally caught up and was breathing heavily, sweat dripping from his face. “Look, Dante, Hun. ” With a deep inhale of air he straightens himself. “Relax. Mom is gonna love you! Don’t sweat it. ” A cheeky and proud smile on Kevin’s face. With a soft huff Dante rolled his eyes, one hand on that bump, petting it softly, then the other ruffles Kevin’s hair. “Fine. Fine. She better have pickles though... I’m getting cravings. ” That toothy grin not leaving Kevin’s face. “We can always get pickles if we need them hun. ” Their voices grow distant as they exit the port. Armak just stands there, mildly confused for a moment before another voice gets his attention. “Excuse me? You’re here to immigrate, yes? ” Armak turned and nodded rapidly. Pulling out the passport he had as he walks up to the desk. As he approached he twitched as the front of the desk extended out into little stairs and then he smiled, trotting up them so he could be slightly taller than the person sitting. “Wow, never seen anything like this. ” Bouncing his weight on the stairs and immediately regretting it as he leaned forward to catch himself. He then noticed how the Gaian at the desk, and the one with his luggage, were just... hovering their hands over him, ready to catch him if he fell. “Ah, thank you~ I’m good! ” Chuckling softly and slightly nervous as he didn’t even see them move, they were ready to catch him. His gaze turned to the desk worker, some kind fuzzy thing, long slender snout, and slightly spread apart eyes, not the straight forward predatory ones every other Gaian he had seen have. Then again this was the first one of... whatever these horned ones are he had seen. The Gaian was busy going over his paperwork after the almost stumble Armak had. “I’m a Deer. ” The Gaian’s brows raise up as he looks up from the paperwork at Armak. “Native species of herbivore, you’ll see all kinds of people that look like animals here. ” All the while he is reading the passport, typing on a keyboard, that clickity clack filling the air. “Please don’t talk to the animals and get upset when they don’t reply and throw a fit. We have had plenty of that already. ” Wrapping his head around that. Right, the animals the people come from still exist here, they aren’t gone. “ would I tell the difference? ” With a chuckle the desk worker held up their hand and wiggled their fingers. Then ruffled their clothes. “We have hands, walk up right, and wear clothes. But there are naturalists out there, so the safest bet is “Does it have a human shape? ” if yes, then it’s an anthro. ” Armak nodded, committing the knowledge to memory. “And everything is in order~” The deer hands back Armak’s passport, and a keycard. Tapping the keycard to draw Armak’s attention to it. “This is important. This is your ID card. You use this to get into your apartment, and should you make a little oopsy when following laws it’s what authorities will use to confirm you are who you say you are. So keep this on you at all times understood? ” Armak nodded, the concept wasn’t that foreign to him. “Right, right, and where is my apartment? ” The Deer had been reaching for something before Armak had even asked his question and planted the tablet on the desk and slid it towards him. Tapping at the screen he brought up a map, and a little dot was on it. “GPS system, you are the red blip. And this. ” He taps the screen. Blue blip. ” Is your apartment complex. A bus will be here in…” Checking the time on the tablet. “Ten minutes. There is a waiting station just outside the doors and to the right, says “Bus Station”, can’t miss it. It will take you to the complex, but it has other stops. ” Flipping through the apps on the tablet and pointing to one. “This is the bus app. When you get on the bus, just turn it on and your tablet will make a ping when the bus stops at your point of exit. ” The Gome nods, grasping the concept. It was similar to the taxis he had used on other planets. Get in, mark a location to go to, and then get charged per kilometer. Armak was about to ask about how to pay but remembered that this was all free. At that thought he grinned wide. The Deer in kind smiled. “Thank you. You’ve been a great help! ” Armak happily scooped up the items and went on his way, and remembered the human carrying his things and looked at her. “So are to follow me all the way to my apartment? ” With a chuckle the human shakes her head. “Oh no~ Just the bus station. You’ll be without me after that. But that tablet has a support app on it if you get lost or confused. Just give it a tap and type in your problem, you’ll be put in a call with someone who can help you. ” Staring at the device in his hands and moving it about. It looked almost like Hierarchy tablets, but only the very high end models could do so many things. “What else can this thing do? ” He glances back to the human while walking towards the bus station. “Well that is the latest model, we have just incorporated Hierarchy tech into it, so... I assume it can do what the last model did. Entertainment like our streamed shows, some mobile games, books to got access to our entire internet. ” As Armak walked under the bus station he eyes the device. But the Human wasn’t done as she set down the bags beside Armak. “lculator, GPS, communications, entertainment, internet access, video, camera, flashlight, notepad, ’s just standard stuff I can remember. There are various apps you can download onto the tablet to make it do other things, but people mostly do it for games, or different ways to do what is standard. Like different notepad apps with different fonts and stuff. ” Armak stared at the device, then at the human. “And you this to free? ” With a proud smile the human nods her head. Armak stares intently at the device now holding it far more gently than he did before. As he did so the human bowed politely and then turned on her heel and returned to the docking port. Armak had a moment to realize he was not alone in the bus station and looked over seeing some of the familiar faces from the ship. Then a loud chirp startled him, and the others. In front of them was a bird. He knew it was a avian, basic anatomy told him that. It’s head reminded him of the Aloon people with how some of the feathers stick out over the back of it’s head. The bird has a nice blue color as well, vibrant colors that make it really stand out to the green grass. Beside him he hears a synthesized voice. “Species, Cyanocitta cristata, commonly known as the Blue Jay. Primary sources of food are seeds and nuts such as acorns, fruits such as wild berries, or arthropods such as worms with the occasional small vertebrae such as mice. ” The Inquai that held the speaking tablet in their hands slowly backed away from the creature, their people are arthropods after all. With that Armak brought up his tablet, remembering the support call app! He wouldn’t let this Gaian predator attack the Inquai. And he brought up the app and typed in “Wild Predator infront of us. ” and after he pressed the button there was a nearby alarm. Immediately he heard the thumping of boots and the bird flew away. The inquai let out a sigh of relief and slump down, sitting on the concrete and breathing at last as the armored soldier walked up to the bus station, rifle in hand and looking around. “What happened? Where is the predator? ” The person, Armak decided to assume it was a human male as there was no snout on the mask and from the deep sound to the voice, was walking around infront of the bus station. “It flew away when you ran over here, no doubt terrified by a larger predator coming over. ” A confident and delighted smile on Armak’s face. The soldier turned around slowly and tilted their head. “Flew away? What was it? ” The Inquai turned their tablet around, showing the picture of a blue jay. Immediately the human’s hand went to the side of their helmet and he watched nvulse? Armak and the others in the bus station just watched the human silently holding their stomach while the front of their weapon is against the ground, their hand against the stock of it. After a couple moments they straightened themselves up and tapped their helmet again. “Ahem. Phew. Okay like you guys forgot basic ‘predator doesn’t always mean dangerous to you’ lesson. ” The Inquai chitter loudly. “WE ARE ARTHROPODS! IT EATS OUR KIND! ” The furr around their necks was twitching wildly as they spoke in unison, that hive mind mentality of theirs. The human holds up their hands in defense. “Alright, I understand. But that thing is aller than my hand. A single blue jay isn’t going to be able to take one of you down, let alone a group. Bird’s are smart, they will go for easier meals. And what’s easier than taking on even a single Inquai? ” The Inquai lming down now, quietly chittering. “A single injured Inquai? ” The human stands there. “Seeds. Most birds love seeds. I’d recommend, if you have such fears of birds, you always travel in a group. And keep a bag of seed on you to throw and the birds should go after that and leave you alone. Okay? ” That seemed to help and the Inquai chitter and nod among themselves. Slowly the human departs, leaving them just moments before the bus had arrived Armak smiles, having done his duty and helped his new neighbors deal with an encounter with a deadly Gaian predator! Though he can’t help but wonder how such a thing was even able to get close to the port like that, surely there would be security to keep out predators like that? Well they didn’t have shield technology yet so perhaps they had no way to keep out such a nimble thing. It made him worried about the apartment complex, would he encounter more? He grabbed his things as the bus stopped and hissed. A low rumble from the machine, more like a quiet hum as he approached with his bags and once onboard he signed with relief. The bus came with its own gravity system! He didn’t feel the heavier weight of Gaia’s gravity trying to pull him to the ground and breathed easier. After tapping the bus app so it would alert him when he got to his destination, he started going through this Internet thing, something to distract him from all that excitement from moments ago. It was a lot like the Hierarchy’s public information network, but unlike PIN the Gaian’s internet was full of… talking to each other. A video of an aged human male playing an instrument called a hurdy-gurdy had thousands of comments from other people, saying how they loved the song, how the musician was a master of his craft, and others that were just ‘Anyone else here from the Inquai fleshlight video? ’. Armak would have to make a note to look that up later. But it was fascinating! Anyone could record something and post it on this Youtube platform, then other people watch it and then comment on it for others to read. The HPIN thing as open as this. You had to apply to make a network location that other people could find, your content had to be approved and could not deviate from what the site’s purpose was. If it was to be a catalogue of planet classifications that all it could be. Just a page of planets and their classifications. If someone wanted to discuss them, they would have to contact the site holder personally. While being mildly overwhelmed by just how much there was, the tablet beeped and vibrated, startling Armak and he dropped it. With a whine he slowly reached down and lifted up the object slowly, and was very much surprised to find it still playing the video. He looked it over. Nothing looked broken on the outside. But it was better to be safe than sorry. And it was his stop. So he exited the vehicle with the others, back into the pull of Gaian gravity. The Inquai keep chittering and move towards the building, the Nymphilian’s doing so as well. Armak followed behind slowly, examining his tablet. It was still working Gaian tech really that sturdy? He knew Hierarchy tablets would start stuttering if dropped like that, but he also knew Gaian’s built their stuff to really last. So it was probably fine, right? As he walked along a voice caught his attention. “Hello there! ” Raising his head to spot another Gome and he walked over, doing the traditional soft head butt of his people, horns clacking gently together. “A fellow Gome! Nice to meet ya! You fresh off the ship? ” Armak nodded and lets out a soft breath. “Yeah, dropped my tablet on the bus ride over, I was too into watching fragment? A speech from a film called “Independence Day”. It was really moving! ” Clearing his throat and doing his best impression of the quote. “We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! ” and he looks to the fellow Gome. “That film, yeah you should give the full thing a watch sometime. It’s about aliens invading earth! A lot of human films are like that, oddly enough. They always viewed themselves as the weaker species who survive through luck and will of character. ” Armak nodded again and glanced at his tablet. “Don’t worry about the tablet. ” Armak looked up at the fellow Gome with a confused look on his face. “I saw a anthro throw theirs over six meters and it hit a wall with a sickening crack... I saw the edges were cracked and just knew it was a gonner yeah? But it was still working! Playing some catchy song. ” Nodding their head the Gome starts to mimic the song. “Never gonna give you up~ Never gonna Let you down~ Never gonna run around and desert youuuu~” Coughing as he tried to mimic the voice from the song. “Gaian tech is tough, a little drop isn’t going to break it. ” Confident now in the safety of the device Armak gives a good bye hug to his neighbor and went on his way to find his room. Checking his ID card and seeing a number on it, then looking around on a large map of the apartment complex and finding a matching number. First floor, row four, room eight seven. Everything was neatly labled and organized, it was a different kind of logic, but still logic, simple enough to follow. He had realized by now as he walked towards his room, the whole interior of the building was like the bus. Hierarchy standardized gravity. A whole building on their home world for citizens of the Hierarchy? Armak was amazed at the friendly nature of the Gaians, but also started wondering what made him so special that instead one of the Gaian colonies, he ended up being assigned to living conditions on their home world? Questions for another day. Right now he wanted to relax, get some food in his belly, and find out what an Inquai Fleshlight is and what it has to do with music.


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. Intresting. I feel for jenifa. Very good.


Just want to point out that Albert has the same onezie as Damien Haas wore in the Godzilla video for Smosh Games. Did I just watch a trailer telling me to go watch a trailer in a theater. Afro, you should try to get into competitive Pokemon. In Hindi Never Rarely Sometimes Watch Never Rarely Online Torent Never Rarely Read more there Never Rarely Episodes Watch Online. 36:28 still with the dad jokes huh. Pokimane: THATS RACIST It had me dying 😂😂. Fed: Im about to evolve into a Raychu right now Me: you dont have the ‘stones for it.

Movie title stitched on Eliza's sweater. This trailer really hit home for me. Ive seen a number of friends and family who are teen parents and Ive witnessed their struggles to make amends with their decisions, whether it was to keep the baby or to abort. Society tells them theyre low-life idiots for getting pregnant young, society calls them irresponsible when they struggle to provide for a kid they werent ready to have, society calls them murderers when they terminate the pregnancy all together because even with the governments intervention, they still cant afford to sacrifice the amount of time and money it will take to just keep a roof over the kids head. This is a problem a lot of youths, especially young ladies, are faced with today, this scrutiny from all ends. You cant please society, no matter what choice you make. That is why young ladies should always preserve the right to make the choice that is best for them and their situation, not what is best for someone elses peace of mind.

About this: This story is my humble addition to the Jenkinsverse by u/Hambone3110 and so many other great writers who have given us so many strange and wonderful stories about humans in space being awesome. Unless the opposite is proven, this story is a piece of non-canon fanfiction – which gives me some freedom of storytelling – still, as an author I actively avoid to contradict established canon. The views and actions of the characters described herein are a work of fiction (what else) and not necessarily conform to the views and actions of the author. After the previous chapters that were rather dark for my taste, this epilogue is meant to as closure. Don’t forget to leave a comment and tell me, what you think of it! First (Prologue) Previous ******************************************************** The Dandelion Fragments – Chapter 6 / Epilogue “Growing up on Selkirk-732A …” My name is Mstks’WrMd and I am a Rrrrtktktkp'ch. My herd and I have been surviving on this planet for some years now. My parents had been snatched by the Hunters and dropped on the planet’s surface. At this time, I was still unborn, but my mother was already laden, and so I had the dubious privilege to be born planetside as a native to grow up in the slaughterhouses of Selkirk-732A. With our herd and all the neighbouring herds we led a simple life. We fed on the plants, we wandered from one spring to another, taking care not to overuse one grazing field or another. We followed the crops through the seasons. In springtime, the other calves and me would play catch over fresh green and blooming meadows, summer would see blossoms become crops and autumn would ripen them. In winter we had plenty of fresh greens to eat, the nights would cool down and the rains would moisten the fields and the next year could begin anew. The other kids and me, we had a great time. Sometimes a hunter ship would roar down from the skies and drop one of these monsters and then we fled as fast as we could. The hunters would kill one or another unlucky slow soul, but these were mostly from other herds and would not endanger the herd. The Hunters still kept us on edge, but that is the nature of predators. They would weed out the weak, the sick and the slow. And there was nothing the herds could do about it. My parents had found the cave paintings. These had been made by a former generation of Rrrrtktktkp'ch as a message to all souls who were banished to this hellworld. The paintings contained a thorough warning: Every three hands of years [translates as eighteen] the hunters would reap their harvest from this world. They would come down in masses out of their dropships, they would hunt down and slaughter each and every living being, they would let rain down fire on the green fields and even burn the soil, and so they would prepare the killing fields for another generation of forlorn souls. But the paintings also contained a glimpse of hope, a faint chance: In the mountains there should be caves where we would hide from the hunt and maybe survive. And like this the paintings showed us a way and gave us hope. Hope for survival, hope for a future. We knew that our time was limited in hell. Our elders had knocked down some trees, and the eldest trees were in their eighteenth year. We needed to leave soon. And so we went on our way to the mountains. Those few who wanted to come with us, did. Many more did not believe our warnings and kept their routines. Feeding on green bushes, aimlessly wandering from one waterhole to another. They usually ignored the Hunters, because they trusted in the safety of numbers, in the safety of the Herd. This was the world I grew up in. My parents sometimes told me under tears, that they were sorry, but I did not know why. This is my world. And now, we are on the way. “The Shadow” My parents often told me stories of the world outside, stars and planets and the wonders of interstellar space. How they were leading their life as explorers, how the people on the planets and space stations knew nothing of the lurking dangers, and how they were happy, then … before … My mum and dad were wise and they knew everything. In a way, they were always curious and eager to know more. Maybe this is how they found the message in the caves. The others from our herd liked to tell stories as well, but these were grim tales: Tales of destruction, torture and madness, of being hunted, of running and fleeing but never getting away. Last year another story began to be told: They whispered of another monster – not a Hunter – but a cruel predator altogether. Rarely one would see him. Fast and deadly, not to be seen until it was too late. A being that would cause stampedes, would set the plains on fire only to hunt down the slowest or to drive a herd over a cliff. A monster so cruel it would tear the skin off of living beings and let them dry in the sun. A monster that would poison our greens and would overwhelm the oblivious victims while they were still fighting off the poison. A monster that would set traps for us, pitted with wooden spears. And he would roast his victims on a fire and gnaw the flesh off our bones. They told many stories about him, some believable and some unbelievable, and they called him only the “Ghost” or the “Monster”. My dad used to call him “The Shadow”. We do not know, who he was or where he came from. But we know what he did for us and how he helped us survive. The Shadow had appeared sometime during the eighteenth year, shortly after a spaceship had crashed down and its pilot, a fellow Rrrrtktktkp'ch named Frstrtr’Mtch, had joined our herd. The Shadow must have been as alien to this world as we all were. Nobody had seen his species before or after. At first, his appearance unsettled us, because it was clear from his appearance that he was a predator himself. And rumour had it, that he was only waiting to hunt us down to kill and devour us all. After a while, we realized that he always kept his distance to our herd. He would sit in the shade under a tree and observe us from afar, a darker shadow hardly to be seen unless he moved. When our grazing brought us away, he would stand up on his hind legs and take up a seemingly effortless, balanced gait, to move to another well hidden place. He was wearing some kind of soft armour or clothing in earthy colours, which helped him keep his camouflage. If you were not looking closely, you might overlook him easily. Most of the time, he was carrying a harness or a saddle, as well as some tools or weapons. I think, that I first saw the Shadow mere days after Frstrtr’Mtch had joined our herd. Frstrtr’Mtch was a pilot and had crashed with his life pod after the Hunters had attacked his ship and slaughtered the whole crew. He told us a lot about the galaxy and what had happened in the last years. He showed us how to make and use fire to get through the chilly nights and to prepare food, and how to prevent the shine from attracting Hunters. He always showed a good mood and displayed hope for rescue to us. Only sometimes, he wandered off alone and even from the distance his hunched down figure let us divine his sorrow and how troubled he truly was. The night’s chill woke me up, although I was lying close by the fire in the center of the herd. My parents were close by – we always stayed together. The fire had almost burnt down and only the remaining embers gave off some last warmth. The chill had crept through my bones and had awoken me. A dry branch and some logs lay by the fire. Poking into the embers, some flew up and one even burnt my dad. Usually, he does not use strong language but this was a rare moment to hear him swear. He calmed down quickly as he saw that I was trying to reheat the fire and he aided with some larger branches. He realized that I was still feeling cold, so he draw me closer. And then I saw the eyes. Hidden under the low hanging branches of a green Krktk tree, two eyes were reflecting the shine of the fire. Intensely watching and observing, and a chill ran along my spine. My father realized that something was wrong and I only dared to whisper to him, and he tried to calm me with his low soothing voice: “Don’t watch him. He’s been there for over [two hours]. Stay calm. ” Frstrtr’Mtch joined in, “Only talk silent and as deep as possible, then he cannot hear us”. His wounded leg was still hurting, so I went over to check on his bandage. Primitive as it was, the crude bandage served its purpose. I sprayed some pain relieving foam that he had salvaged from his escape pod onto the wound and he quickly felt better. Still, it took him weeks to properly heal. The eyes in the darkness had disappeared, and the next day I overheard my parents and Frstrtr’Mtch discussing about the Shadow and about its intentions and how to treat this issue. They and the other elders accorded that we should ignore the Shadow, as he had not posed an actual threat to us. During the first weeks, he never approached us. Always at a distance, never too far away. And over time, we got used to his appearance – he had become a part of our normal world. Several times, he disappeared for weeks, and I almost missed him – because he had become such a regular part of our world. “The Trek” My parents had directed our herd to the painted cave so that everybody could inspect the warning signs for themselves, and in spring we had reached the conclusion to make our way to the caves in the north. The signs were clear and we expected the Hunters to arrive this summer. Many of the elders from the other herds disagreed and decided to let us go, and only a few other herds joined us. We were a mixed herd of my own Rrrrtktktkp'ch, quite a lot of Vzk'tk and even a strong group of Guvnurag. Slow they might be, but they were steadfast in their resolve and we were glad for their physical strength. While all the elders met, the Shadow was there again, as usual staying at a distance and watching. But when we broke way, he didn’t follow us. I did not expext to see him again. We had been on our way for several days, when one night several hunter spaceships appeared from the cloudy sky. Fortunately they ignored us and flew further south. With a renewed sense of urgency, we retook our route early in the morning and hurried further north. Later that day even more hunter ships flew over us to the south. These were larger and slower, and all were heading to the southern plains. If we had followed the other herds, we would have been there as well. In the night, the southern horizon was shining red, as if the whole plain was burning. My parents had this nervous look about them, when they tried to tell me not to worry. Again, we started early, before sunrise, and hurried north. With the rising daylight the scale of what was happening in the south became clearer. A huge wall of smoke encompassed the south, seemingly starting at the western hills and ending at the eastern mountain range. As if hell had broke loose. The Guvnurag showed paling colours and whispered to one another about The Storm, and that the world would end soon. So we hurried further north, always looking back for the hunter ships, but they would not arrive to hunt us down, yet. Two days later the Shadow arrived at our camp. He looked tired, even exhausted – not only from the trek. At first he kept his usual distance, sitting on a treestump and watched us, as if waiting for something. Then he had made up his mind. Letting all signs of stealth drop, he brought himself in his most upright pose – still short by our measure, even shorter than a young calf. Still, he radiated an aura of intention and purpose. Like the predator he was, he slowly walked closer. At about [100 meter] distance he called out at us – nothing to be understood, but obviously he wanted to make sure not to surprise us. All eyes were on him. He raised his spear over his head – a challenge maybe? – No, he raised it only to demonstratively lay his weapon on the ground. Same again with another thing – somehow shaped similar to a pulse gun, but way larger and so much more massive. He let his packsaddle drop to the ground where it landed with a noticeable thump – it must have been a lot heavier than it looked. He had a green branch full of cqcq leaves in his right hand, raised above his head – maybe a gesture of peace? Then he slowly stepped closer, taking careful steps not to startle anybody, and directed his steps towards my father and Frstrtr’Mtch. They turned towards him and ordered all of us to make way and give the Shadow some room. So we cleared a large circle around the three and they all sat down. Now, that he was closer, I realised that his garments were torn in many places and some looked burnt. Even some parts of his skin looked burnt and charred and he smelled accordingly. He must have gone through hell, and although his body had obviously suffered severely, his gaze was steady and intense. The forward facing, blue and white eyes scanned his surroundings, like a predator taking in all details. A rough sense of determination marked his face. They tried to communicate but neither could make sense of each others language. At least we understood that his name was “Rbrt’Krtzr” or “RbrT” something similar and his species was called “Uouuuuman”. Finally, they tried drawing in the sand to convey informations, gesticulated directions …. Seemingly endless hours passed. Nobody had found a common language with him: None of our native languages and his had any similarities. He seemed to change between several own languages, as the sounds, the rhythm and the pattern were so distinctly different. Some said, that the sound was similar to cortan, but this I cannot confirm. He had no translator implant, but it would not have changed anything, as only a few of us had another and those who did could neither make anything out of his vocalisations. While the others were trying to communicate verbally, I used this time to observe this alien being and his so strange body language: When he arrived, he appeared very tense and at edge, overcautious and ready to run, as if we were posing a danger to him. To be fair, he was alone and way smaller than all of us and he knew nothing about us. Phyiscally he was quite different to us: He had only four limbs, but he was not quadrupedal – he always balanced on his hind limbs and used the fore limbs mostly as manipulators and for gesticulation. His front paws had only five manipulators, not the usual six or eight. His body was covered in partly torn garments and not in fur. Being comparably lean and not sporting much fur except some patches on his head, made his muscles clearly visible. Strangely, they seemed to work differently to ours, e. g. the arms seemed to have one muscle in front just for bending limb. This had the weird effect that the muscles shone even more through his skin. The most remarkable and alien thing about him was his head and face: Vaguely similar but very unlike to a Corti, there were two frontal facing eyes but instead of the black uniform Corti eyes, his were smaller and tricolored in white, blue and black, and they were set into eye sockets that were protected by massive bones. And although his kind possessed no chromatophores, these shining eyes and his overly flexible face showed an extreme variety of expressions. Talking of massive: When he set down his pack, we realized how much weight he was carrying around. This creature must have been a lot, really a lot stronger than we were. Once he snapped a massive cqcq branch in half, just because he wanted to split the food between two of the elders. Where we would have just nibbled away the leaves or taken off some twigs, he broke the massive wood in half just using his hands and one knee! His bare hands! He just broke that massive stem, as if it was a twig! Only when he heard the astonished gasps and saw our terrified faces, he may have realized what he had done. And instead of any sane reaction, he showed, no presented his open mouth, full of white predatorial teeth and let out a barking repetitive call. And only when he realized that he had nearly caused a small stampede, it dawned on him how terrified we all were. What world had this creature come from? Was he even a natural creation or was he an escaped laboratory experiment? What was he? After some hours and dire communication, the Shadow and our elders had finally reached a conclusion and my father addressed our herd: The hunters had massacred the southern herds and burnt the plains. The Shadow had escaped the hunt there, but nobody else had survived down there. Now the hunters would round up the rest of the herds and we all needed to escape to the caves in the north. And the Shadow intended to come with us and help us. The next days were a constant toil and exertion. We were always hungry and thirsty, tired by the exertion, the morning winds blowing from the south brought ash and the sharp taste of smoke with it. Still, we walked on and on. When we met other herds, we told them. Some panicked and ran away to an uncertain fate, but most saw the safety of numbers and joined our herd. Food became scarce and the water we found was hardly enough for all, so we spread out into several marching columns and thus were covering a larger area. Some times he disappeared for a time but would bring whole bushes of cqcq with him, so large that a grown Vzk’tk would have had trouble carrying it. He tried the leaves himself as well, but I think he did not like the taste of it. Instead he casually ripped out some of the new green and yellow plants, washed the soil off the roots and munched on them. We thought he would die instantly, because how should a small organism like his be able to process or dilute this poison? How did he not know about this impending mortal danger? “Reaching the mountains” During the trek the Shadow seemed to be everywhere. His energy was sheer unending, always walking and advancing. Scouting the perimeter he saved us from running into dead ends and more than once spared us days of travel. The mountains were coming closer, and from the cave paintings, our elders had a good idea where to go. There should be caves, and we should be safe there. At least safer than on this deathtrap. The mountains were almost in reach, one days travel at most, when RbrT came back to us and talked again to the elders. He seemed terribly disturbed by something, his garments were stained with red blood and purple ichor and he was limping from a leg wound. On his spear he was carrying a trophy: The cut off head of a Hunter, easily twice the size of the shadows head. He had obviously come into a fight, but had managed to survive somehow. Even more, he had fought and killed a hunter. From what he told and showed us, it became clear that the Hunters were waiting for us. Not especially for us, but for all the herds in the northern grazing fields. They were driving all into killing fields to slaughter and feast on them. Oh so close had we come, only to perish now just outside the safety of the mountains. Desperation nearly overcame us. The Elders held themselves better or they were not terrified so fast and together with the Shadow they were able to sketch up a plan. At this moment, I did not understand a lot about it, but in afterthought it must have been a dreadful choice between being slaughtered and dying in battle. We needed to avoid the laid trap by breaking through the hunter lines. Either through stealth and secrecy or through the brute force of a stampede we might be able to overcome a weak point in their lines and continue to the mountain. The Shadow had shown us that the Hunters could be killed – they were not invulnerable, even to his primitive weapons. But we needed to await the right moment and then we should act without any regard to losses. We needed to rescue as many of the herd as possible, although it was sure, that many of us would not survive the coming days. A grim resolution overcame us. Our herd was determined to overcome this grizzling fate. No, we would not become prey, to be slaughtered by the Hunters. They would have to pay dearly for bringing us down. Some started to fashion crude weapons from wood and stone, comparable to the spears that the Shadow was using. Some others prepared torches from the resin trees. We followed a stream’s valley that brought us closer to the mountains and to the hunters line and still gave us cover. In a denser patch of the forest, we found a hiding place where we could stay for several days and still had enough to eat. While the Shadow went on to scout the land, the herds would stay here to observe and learn of the hunters ways. Different kinds of hunters were around, some larger some smaller. Some carried heavier weapons, some carried none, some were only patrolling. In general, they were most active in late afternoon and into the night, but they were rarely seen in the morning hours when the air was still fresh. “That others may live” Some days, the Shadow returned and debated with our elders. The discussions went on and on, and we little ones did not know why. In hindsight, I have an idea why their decision was so difficult. Finally, and with grave faces, they decided on a plan aiming to rescue as many as possible. My father came over to my mother and me, tears flowing openly over his face, and began to explain the plan: The Shadow had scouted the hunter lines and he had discovered a hidden narrow path leading along a stream and through a crevice that would finally lead us to the mountains and the caves where we could hide. Unfortunately, the path was so narrow that only the smaller individuals, so the calves and females would be able to pass. Although the path was hidden, it was not without danger because it was leading directly through and below the hunter lines. Even the Shadow had observed and encountered hunter patrols there, but was able to avoid them. We would need to take utmost care and stealth to sneak past any hunters. The elders and the Shadow had therefore decided to create another diversion to lure the hunter patrols away: Every early morning, a strong wind from the plains to the mountains had awoken us and now we would take advantage of this weather pattern: Several mobs of Vzk'tk and Rrrrtktktkp'ch would fan out for half a days trip to both sides, hide and in the early morning they would set the savannah and trees on fire. The strong southern winds would then drive this fire front up north towards the mountains against the hunter lines. This should not only attract the attention of many of the hunter patrols, but the smoke should camouflage our other movements. As soon as the hunters had thinned out their lines to counter the fire, our main force would attack the center: The crash of Guvnurag would make the tip of the spear, directly supported by the towers of Rrrrtktktkp'ch. The Vzk’tk, as the physically smallest and weakest, would follow suit. Although my father tried to deny it, I still had the feeling that this would only be an elaborate plan for mass suicide. But here came the Shadow into the plan: He was the only one who had seen the hunter tactics in action and had seen first-hand what kinds of weapons we would have to expect. Therefore he had volunteered to go out for a sortie in the middle of the night in order to attack the hunter posts to create an opening in the hunter lines. This was our chance, a glimmer of hope: If all went according to plan, our herd had a tangible chance to overcome the hunter lines and to safe some. We would suffer painful losses, of course – but without this plan every single one of us would be dead within the next days. My father told us, that we would meet on the other side and all would be alright. We all spent the night together, cuddling against the cold and against our fear. And in the first hours of dawn, we said our farewells … These were our last hours together. **** TRANSCRIPTORS NOTE: The Battle of the Northern Plains on Selkirk-732A on [January 6th, 1976] Archaeological evidence and forensic analysis of a recovered hunter data node enabled us to pinpoint the Battle of the Northern Plains to early [January 1976]. According to the hunter’s data logs, not a single prey individual survived the Harvesting Cycle #97, as they denominated the slaughter on this “planet-wide free range prey farm”. Still, their logs contain ample evidence that, while the southern plains were harvested with the low expected losses of primarily gamma and delta hunters due to workplace hazards, the northern plains suffered a very different fate. The following chronology of events could be restored by interpreting the hunter command logs and was transcribed into a legible format. The mentioned sectors A, B, C, D, E denominate areas in close proximity to the mountain ranges and contain several lines of hunter outposts and prepared harvesting facilities. The main battle was fought on 6th of January 1976, starting in the early morning and lasting into the night. **** Harvesting Cycle#97 – The Hunter’s perspective on the prison break Cycle#97/Entry-0001: Harvesting on southern plains completed. Harvesting protocol requires using standard procedure #0815 to sterilise the area by incendiary ordnance to prepare the grazing grounds for the following harvesting cycle. Cycle#97/Entry-0002: Harvesting on northern plains commenced. System of guiding infrastructure, posts and patrols established. Measures to drive herds north in place. Cycle#97/Entry-0003: Herds follow expected migratory pattern northwards. Infrastructure for prey processing is established. Cycle#97/Entry-0004: Unexpected outbreak of bush fires endanger the migrating prey in sector A and E. Countermeasures to ensure the harvesting success are dispatched. Patrols are re-dispatched to combat the fires. Cycle#97/Entry-0005: The bush fires in sector A and E are hard to extinguish and require more resources. Patrols from sector B and D are re-dispatched to assist. Smoke walls hinder the local communication and coordination of activities. Cycle#97/Entry-0006: Sector B and D report outbreaking and spreading bush fires and request assistance. The patrols from sector C are reassigned to assist, basic patrols remain in sector C. Cycle#97/Entry-0007: Sector C reports bush fires as well. Local winds fan the fires that reach the center valley. All resources are busy fighting the fire in sector A, B, D, E, so that sector C receives lower priority. All outposts keep their position and report everything under control. Contact to outpost C171, C172, C173 is disturbed. Cycle#97/Entry-0008: Contact to outpost C275 to C278 is lost, presumably due to the fire. A ranged visual inspection shows a large wall of smoke and fire. Patrol ship HPV-B737Mx is scheduled to report visuals. Cycle#97/Entry-0009: Contact to outposts C381 to C388 is lost. Patrol ship HPV-B737Mx reports massed prey presence in proximity of C277. Cycle#97/Entry-0010: Contact to Patrol ship HPV-B737Mx is lost after reporting engine issues, presumably smoke. Patrol ship HPV-B738Mx is dispatched. Due to distance it is scheduled to arrive in 1. 75 hours. Cycle#97/Entry-0011: Outpost C471 reports contact with panicking prey that tries to escape the fire. Patrol ship HPV-B737Mx rerouted for air support. Brood transport HBT-022 and HBT-045 take up specialized crew and equipment and begin transporting reinforcements to D471. Cycle#97/Entry-0012: Contact to patrol ship HPV-B737Mx is lost after reporting engine issues. Hostile presence suspected. Contact to outpost D471 is lost. Cycle#97/Entry-0013: Ground control contacts Orbital with a routine request for orbital imagery of sectors A, B, C, D, E to evaluate the status of all affected outposts: All outposts are affected by fire and smoke. Hunter movement on the ground confirmed. The outposts C173, C277, C382 have already been destroyed, presumably by a combination of fire and panicking prey. Outpost D471 is at the moment overwhelmed by stampeding prey and in process of destruction. Cycle#97/Entry-0014: Selkirk Orbital takes command. The BETAs in command of sectors A-C, and sectros D-F are personally removed from command and replaced with orbital personnel that is flown in within the hour. The new command structure analyses the status: Advanced sensor data show the scale of destruction. All outpost in the lines 1, 2 and 3 are inoperable or rendered inefficient by the fire. The outpost line is interrupted over several destroyed outposts and thereby offers a gap to the plains. Prey herds migrate into the gap and attack further outposts. The locally reduced visibility limits the accuracy of pulse weaponry and enforces close combat. Cycle#97/Entry-0015: New Sector Command removes the remaining BETA and GAMMA from command and the genepool for causes of ineptitude. New Sector Command declares status “BROKEN MANDIBLE” and begins evacuation of all valuable New Sector Command assets. After evacuating, Orbital initiates the purging procedure #0815 over the plain sectors A, B, C, D, E. The whole area is purged without further loss of hunter vessels. **** Harvesting Cycle#97 & Cycle#98 – Aftermath and dealing with biological contamination Cycle#97/Entry-0021: Harvesting operations in the northern plains are finalized. The resulting prey harvest is severely lacking in quantity and quality and reaches barely 12% of predicted values. The plains are purged (standard procedure #0815) and prepared for resettling. **** Cycle#98: A contaminated environment Cycle#98/Entry-0001: Resettling initiated. Introduced standard prey species suffer unexpected losses. Closer inspections reveal neophytic organisms: A series of previously unknown plant species have overrun the local flora. The new biome includes several inherently poisonous plants and is unable to sustain standard prey life. The ecosystem is severely contaminated and corrupted. The source of the biological contamination is traced back to the wreckage of a ship from the Small Prey, a CORTI vessel containing deathworld biological samples from an unknown source. Standard purging protocol #0815 is initiated to sterilise the soil. Cycle#98 is discontinued. **** **** Cycle#101: Impending doom Cycle#101/Entry-0001: The biological contamination of SELKIRK-732A has run out of hand. The complete ecosystem is contaminated by a small yellow blooming green plant that rapidly conquers any patch of soil, either by far flying seeds or by unintentionally transported root fragments. Even outposts constructed from concrete are affected. A range of previously unknown bushes and trees is observed that use a form of airborne contagion during their reproduction cycles. All observed neophytes contain diverse forms of poison or other aggressive defence mechanisms, making them unsuitable or even lethal when used for prey nutrition. All local flora is reduced to isolated patches and doomed. After several lethal incidents after contact with the airborne contagions and resulting anaphylactic shock reactions, the local garrison is reduced to minimal presence behind massive forcefields and biofilters. The ALPHA of the Brood that Harvests recommends abandoning the planet and to employ orbitally based nuclear fission devices to ensure getting rid of the infestation. The ALPHA of the Brood that Breeds is cited with “RESOLVE – ORBITAL DESTRUCTION – UNIQUE SECURITY”. **** Cycle#102/Entry-0001: In spite of numerous heavy handed approaches to correct the ecosystem of SELKIRK-732A, the biocontamination persists. The planet is abandoned and only an observing presence is maintained. **** “We’re still here. ” My name is Mstks’WrMd and I am a Rrrrtktktkp'ch. The plan was sound. The Hunters were distracted first by the wall of fire and then by our stampede, the hidden path was left without guards and we could make our way through to the mountains and on the second day we found the caves. Down in the plains, hidden by the smoke, the battle raged. Many brave souls fought and died this day so that we would live. When night fell on the first day, the battle was still raging on, when suddenly pillars of flame hit from above. The orbital bombardment shook the ground and huge mushroom clouds climbed into the atmosphere. The flash burnt our skin and blinded all who had looked by chance in its direction. The blast waves washed over us and the forests, breaking limbs, knocking trees over, causing mudslides and tumbling boulders. Many in our trek died or lay down mortally wounded. And we knew that nobody down on the plain could have possibly survived this and carried on climbing towards the caves that we had finally found. A secret hiding place for all of us. But it was only days later that some lone survivors from the battle arrived at our main doors: Wounded, mangled, zinged pelt, broken or missing limbs, coughing blood some or blinded by the lights – they had survived by pure luck and chance while often their immediate neighbours and friends had been less fortunate. But how should we call this survival luck? They had arrived here with their last will to live and over the next hours and days every single one succumbed to their wounds. Their voices gave us an idea what had happened during the Battle of the Northern Plain: A tale of heroes, a song of warriors began to form. Not a story of prey that was butchered, but a song of upright beings fighting for their lives, for their families, for their herds and for our future, against overwhelming odds, against a cruel foe that knew only death and torture. But many also told us of the shadow, how he had been in the thickest of battle, how he had personally torn hunters apart that were five times his size, how he had shot down dropships, how he had been hit by smashing pulses only to rise again and to kill the next hunter. They had been so close. They had already overwhelmed the last post and the herd was pressing on, into the gap, through the jaws of death, when a concealed bunker blocked their way and its main gates burst open. Out swarmed a pack of white hunters and immediately attacked the leading bulls, bringing some down with their first assault and rushing the next one. Our stampede faltered and nearly came to a halt, when another hunter – a huge red monster – slowly crawled out of the gate. Terrifying all by itself and dominating the battlescape, it heedlessly swatted some lesser hunters aside, going for our leading bull. The Shadow was fighting to keep the lesser hunters off the herd when the Monster became aware of him. And instead of roaring a challenge, it kept silent, took aim and jumped over a dozen bulls right on top of the Human, and crushed him flat into the muddy ground. Turning around swiftly, the Monster would go for the largest bulls, activated its fusion claws and took aim for another jump, when suddenly a loud crack sounded through the air, then another. The monster was hit and turned around for this new danger, only to see how the Shadow had painfully managed to sit up. His face was bleeding and he clearly was in agony. Still he shouted, tried to shout in defiance at the charging Monster. Another crack from his handgun hit the Monster, incapacitating some legs, another crack, and all front legs gave way. Its momentum carried the Monster further but to no avail – another crack and Rbrd had luckily hit the monsters head – exploding into purple mist. The carcass crashed down, again on top of the Human. Dead. Some bulls tried to push the Monster off the Shadow, tried to pull him out, but it was too late. There he lay, crushed from the waist down, one leg torn off at the knee, the other broken and mangled. Blood everywhere. A wonder how he had even lived so long. How he had been able to move and even fight. And while his blood and the slain Monsters ichor flowed and mixed on the darkened soil, he drew his last agonizing breaths. His eyes staring into the sky as if seeing something only he could see. His features softened, as if he was falling asleep, as if he had finally found peace. *** We swore to remember. We swore to remember every single one of them and to tell the galaxy of their fate and their deeds. And here in the caves we wrote down all their names, every single soul that we could remember stands written on these walls. And the Shadow’s name is here as well, he is remembered. On the Wall of Remembrance. *** The last of my herd and I have been surviving on this planet for several years now after the cataclysm, through cold and hunger, through dust and toil. The time was harsh and many of us became a memory on the wall of remembrance. But we found ways to survive and even to prepare the deadly Dandelions so that today nobody goes hungry. I am old now, but there are younglings of all species playing at my feet. Today, spaceships have arrived. New ships. Not the spiked and aggressive ones of the hunter murderships, but still dangerously looking and menacing and ready for business. They swatted away the last hunter control posts and landed directly in front of our caves. The ships doors opend and down the ramp strode several beings. Soldiers, Warriors. Strange, yet familiar figures. Bipedal and upright, clad in dark armour, dark as the Shadows. “Humans” they named themselves – we named them “Saviours”. We are safe now. ******* Dedicated to the memory of all victims A lion’s tooth? They laughed at first. Oh it’s a flower, green and soft, That sends it’s seeds with wind aloft. Burnt down, dug out and torn apart Should this not break its floral heart? ** And back I am, so fast and swift, In beauty like a precious gift. But here it is that we shall meet, In this crack of pure concrete. ** “This world is mine”, They hear me mutter. “I serve the prey and bite the Hunter. ” ** (Poem written by Mstks’WrMd, Rrrrtktktkp'ch, dedicated to the memory of all victims) Dame Mstks’WrMd, Rrrrtktktkp'ch is the first native citizen of the planet “Dandelion” / SELKIRK-732A, a survivor of decades of toil on a former hunter farm world. The poem was publicly performed at the opening ceremony of the Exobiological Congress at Cimbrean, in remembrance of all the victims of SELKIRK-732A. Like on Earth, where the Red Poppy is recognized as a symbol for overcoming the cruelties of War, throughout the Galaxy the Yellow Dandelion now has been widely accepted as symbol for overcoming the horrors of the Hunters, on Selkirk’s Fields. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dear Readers! I hope you enjoyed this piece as much as I did writing it. Leave your comments, drop me a thought... Keep up the HFY spirit! Edit: no sheep, purple ichor, whiffs, last stand.

HELL YES Im finna watch all of this. I can't wait to see cosplays of that nurse and rainbow wig costume! Complete with the medical tools, and maybe the journal. Loved the book! Cant wait to see the movie! Heard they reshot the ending... curious to see how it compares to the book. If men could get pregnant, abortion clinics would be like Starbucks, there would be two on every block, four in every airport, and the morning-after pill would come in different flavors like sea salt and cool ranch. Nasim Pedrad. What a clear explanation. Why spend an hour telling this fascinating story, then stopping before the dig? Silly show. Ayyyeeeee a whole hour? Lets go. Is that giveaway still going btw. 00:46 looks like Jennie Garth. I know this is supposed to be a pro choice movie, but it shows how women just dont have options. Abortion is their only option, but there should be more. Also it shows a fully formed fetus which is kind of unrealistic bc thats pretty late in pregnancy...

Never in my life i have seen a group of people so sure they are villagers they dont even question each other focus on the ones they suspect of and eliminate them to victory. honor scarra mark xell and toast. Is that the norm to bury a large animal, such as a cow or a horse in such a place.

  • Columnist: Oscar Times
  • Info: Noticias, análisis y más de la temporada de premios cinematográfica. Página web de @mariana_ferfab (Mariana Fernández)



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Audience score - 288 vote

directed by - Hae-jun Lee

info - Stagnant since 1903, at an elevation of 2,744 m, a volcano erupts on the mythical and majestic Baekdu Mountain

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Worth a watch. Ashfall imdb. Could idea cool people. Aside from showing every good part of the movie here cant mess it up. Parasite was the best Korean movie that I have watched recently. 我覺得這部還好(・_・. Ashfall book.

Ashfall full movie. If Johnny Depp was still attached to the movie, Id see it. Ashfall park. This disaster plus action movie is exciting from big disaster scene near the beginning to the very end. The effects are as good as any Western blockbuster and the battle sequences are exciting and well choreographed. The characters are funny and quite endearing. The story is more complex than expected with a good amount of humour and some political subplot involving nukes North South China and US. Good use of some big name Korean stars. They use an internet joke to create a movie? lol. Ashfall suzy. So it's Hitchcock's Rear Window only with agoraphobia instead of being confined to a wheel chair. Could be interesting.

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When you know its still watch it. Ashfall ffxiv. Ashfall cgv. Ashfall Length 1 playlist Updated January 08, 2016 playlists featuring college, drinking, and good times music. Play all Save Cancel Delete. Ashfall torrent. Ashfall eng sub. A volcano on Baekdu Mountain suddenly erupts. Pandemonium ensues on the Korean peninsula, with more eruptions predicted in the area. To prevent another disaster, Jeon Yoo Kyung plans an operation based on a theory by Professor Kang Bong Rae. He had has studied Baekdu Mountain and its possible eruptions. Jo In Chang is the captain of a special forces team. He is tasked to take part in the operation, which holds the fates of South and North Korea in the balance. Jo In Chang contacts Lee Joon Pyeong who is part of the Ministry of People's Armed Forces of North Korea. Meanwhile, Jo In Chang's wife Choi Ji Young is alone in Seoul. She struggles to survive against the disaster.

Ashfall trailer. Ashfall fossil beds. 8. Ituloy ang maintenance na gamot sa baga. The old spice guy is poed. Worth watching. The plotline, special effect are perfect. This movie is box office in SK, Taiwan, china, hongkong. Another good movie from SK beside Parasite. Ashfalls fossil beds. How is he ALIVE. Started off at a slow pace but that's because the background needed to be in place. Mid way thru, it was edge of the seat and Lee Byung Hun was just stellar. Still as charismatic as ever, his character made the movie interesting. Plot was exciting and even my teen daughters enjoyed the movie. Appeal to all ages. Must watch.

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ASHFALL (2019) with English Subtitles ready for download, ASHFALL 2019 720p, 1080p, BrRip, DvdRip, Youtube, Reddit, Multilanguage and High Quality. =========================== WATCH HERE WATCH ASHFALL (2019) FULL MOVIE FREE ONLINE Watch Now LINK SERVER 1: >> >>CLICK HERE TO WATCH HERE WATCH ASHFALL (2019) FULL MOVIE FREE ONLINE DOWNLOAD LINK SERVER 2: >> >>CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD HERE WATCH ASHFALL (2019) FULL MOVIE FREE ONLINE DOWNLOAD HERE WATCH ASHFALL (2019) FULL MOVIE FREE ONLINE Ever since hulking lawman Hobbs (Johnson), a loyal agent of America’s Diplomatic Security Service, and lawless outcast Shaw (Statham), a former British military elite operative, first faced off in 2015’s Furious 7, the duo have swapped smack talk and body blows as they’ve tried to take each other down. But when cyber-genetically enhanced anarchist Brixton (Idris Elba) gains control of an insidious bio-threat that could alter humanity forever — and bests a brilliant and fearless rogue MI6 agent (The Crown’s Vanessa Kirby), who just happens to be Shaw’s sister — these sworn enemies will have to partner up to bring down the only guy who might be badder than themselves. Watch ASHFALL Online Free Streaming, Watch ASHFALL Online Full Streaming In HD Quality, Let’s go to watch the latest movies of your favorite movies, ASHFALL. come on join us!! What happened in this movie? I have a summary for you. It’s the first rose ceremony of the movie and the drama is already ratcheted up! Two very different men – Blake and Dylan – have their hearts set on handing their rose to Hannah G., but who will offer it to her and will she accept? All About The movies Euphoria centers on CDC researcher Abby Arcane. When she returns to her childhood home of Houma, Louisiana, in order to investigate a deadly swamp-borne virus, she develops a surprising bond with scientist Alec Holland — only to have him tragically taken from her. But as powerful forces descend on Houma, intent on exploiting the swamp’s mysterious properties for their own purposes, Abby will discover that the swamp holds mystical secrets, both horrifying and wondrous — and the potential love of her life may not be after all. gnulaMOVIES WATCH ONLINE ASHFALL: COMPLETE MOVIES FREE ONLINE STRENGTHENS Crusaders and mountan Moorish commanders rebelled against the British crown. How long have you fallen asleep during ASHFALL Movie? The music, the story, and the message are phenomenal in ASHFALL. I have never been able to see another Movie five times like I did this. Come back and look for the second time and pay attention. Watch ASHFALL WEB-DL movies This is losing less lame files from streaming ASHFALL, like Netflix, Amazon Video. Hulu, CASHFALLchy roll, DiscoveryGO, BBC iPlayer, etc. These are also movies or TV shows that are downloaded through online distribution sites, such as iTunes. The quality is quite good because it is not re-encoded. Video streams (H. 264 or H. 265) and audio (AC3 / ASHFALL) are usually extracted from iTunes or Amazon Video and then reinstalled into the MKV container without sacrificing quality. Download Euphoria Movie Season 1 Movie 6 One of the streaming movies. Watch ASHFALL Miles Morales conjures his life between being a middle school student and becoming ASHFALL. However, when Wilson “Kingpin” Fiskuses as a super collider, another Captive State from another dimension, Peter Parker, accidentally ended up in the Miles dimension. When Peter trained the Miles to get better, Spider-Man, they soon joined four other ASHFALL from across the “Spider-Verse”. Because all these conflicting dimensions begin to destroy Brooklyn, Miles must help others stop Fisk and return everyone to their own dimensions. the industry’s biggest impact is on the DVD industry, which effectively met its destruction by mass popularizing online content. The emergence of streaming media has caused the fall of many DVD rental companies such as Blockbuster. In July 2019, an article from the New York Times published an article about Netflix DVD, No Manches Frida 2s. It was stated that Netflix was continuing their DVD No. No Frida 2s with 5. 3 million customers, which was a significant decrease from the previous year. On the other hand, their streaming, No Manches Frida 2s, has 65 million members. In a March 2019 study that assessed “The Impact of movies of Streaming on Traditional DVD Movie Rentals” it was found that respondents did not buy DVD movies nearly as much, if ever, because streaming had taken over the market. So we get more space adventures, more original story material and more about what will make this 21st MCU movie different from the previous 20 MCU films. Watch Final Space Season 2 — Movie 6, viewers don’t consider the quality of movies to differ significantly between DVDs and online streaming. Problems that according to respondents need to be improved by streaming movies including fast forwarding or rewinding functions, and search functions. This article highlights that streaming quality movies as an industry will only increase in time, because advertising revenues continue to soar on an annual basis across industries, providing incentives for the production of quality content. He is someone we don’t see happening. Still, Brie Larson’s resume is impressive. The actress has been playing on TV and film sets since she was 11 years old. One of those confused with Swedish player Alicia Vikander (Tomb Raider) won an Oscar in 2016. She was the first Marvel movie star with a female leader.. And soon, he will play a CIA agent in a movies commissioned by Apple for his future platform. The movies he produced together. Unknown to the general public in 2016, this “neighbor girl” won an Academy Award for best actress for her poignant appearance in the “Room”, the true story of a woman who was exiled with her child by predators. He had overtaken Cate Blanchett and Jennifer Lawrence, both of them had ASHFALL out of statues, but also Charlotte Rampling and Saoirse Ronan. Watch ASHFALL Movie Online Blu-rayor Bluray rips directly from Blu-ray discs to 1080p or 720p (depending on source), and uses the x264 codec. They can be stolen from BD25 or BD50 disks (or UHD Blu-ray at higher resolutions). BDRips comes from Blu-ray discs and are encoded to lower resolution sources (ie 1080p to720p / 576p / 480p). BRRip is a video that has been encoded at HD resolution (usually 1080p) which is then transcribed to SD resolution. Watch ASHFALL The BD / BRRip Movie in DVDRip resolution looks better, however, because the encoding is from a higher quality source. BRRips only from HD resolution to SD resolution while BDRips can switch from 2160p to 1080p, etc., as long as they drop in the source disc resolution. Watch ASHFALL Movie Full BDRip is not transcode and can move down for encryption, but BRRip can only go down to SD resolution because they are transcribed. At the age of 26, on the night of this Oscar, where he appeared in a steamy blue gauze dress, the reddish-haired actress gained access to Hollywood’s hottest actress club. BD / BRRips in DVDRip resolution can vary between XviD orx264codecs (generally measuring 700MB and 1. 5GB and the size of DVD5 or DVD9: 4. 5GB or 8. 4GB) which is larger, the size fluctuates depending on the length and quality of release, but increasingly the higher the size, the more likely they are to use the x264 codec. With its classic and secret beauty, this Californian from Sacramento has won the Summit. He was seen on “21 Jump Street” with Channing Tatum, and “Crazy Amy” by Judd Apatow. And against more prominent actresses like Jennifer Lawrence, Gal Gadot or Scarlett Johansson, Brie Larson signed a seven-contract deal with Marvel. There is nothing like that with Watch The Curse of La Llorona Free Online, which is signed mainly by women. And it feels. When he’s not in a combination of full-featured superheroes, Carol Danvers ASHFALLs Nirvana as greedy anti-erotic as possible and proves to be very independent. This is even the key to his strength: if the super hero is so unique, we are told, it is thanks to his ability since childhood, despite being ridiculed masculine, to stand alone. Too bad it’s not enough to make a film that stands up completely … Errors in scenarios and realization are complicated and impossible to be inspired. There is no sequence of actions that are truly shocking and actress Brie Larson failed to make her character charming. Spending his time displaying scorn and ridicule, his courageous attitude continually weakens empathy and prevents the audience from shuddering at the danger and changes facing the hero. Too bad, because the tape offers very good things to the person including the red cat and young Nick Fury and both eyes (the film took place in the 1990s). In this case, if Samuel Jackson’s rejuvenation by digital technology is impressive, the illusion is only for his face. Once the actor moves or starts the sequence of actions, the stiffness of his movements is clear and reminds of his true age. Details but it shows that digital is fortunately still at a limit. As for Goose, the cat, we will not say more about his role not to “express”. Already the 21st film for stable Marvel Cinema was launched 10 years ago, and while waiting for the sequel to The 100 Season 6 Movie war infinity (The 100 Season 6 Movie, released April 24 home), this new work is a suitable drink but struggles to hold back for the body and to be really refreshing. Let’s hope that following the adventures of the strongest heroes, Marvel managed to increase levels and prove better. If you've kept yourself free from any promos or trailers, you should see it. All the iconic moments from the movie won't have been spoiled for you. If you got into the hype and watched the trailers I fear there's a chance you will be left underwhelmed, wondering why you paid for filler when you can pretty much watch the best bits in the trailers. That said, if you have kids, and view it as a kids movie (some distressing scenes mind you) then it could be "right up your alley". It wasn't right up mine, not even the back alley. But yeah a passable ASHFALL with Blue who remains a legendary raptor, so 6/10. Often I felt there just too many jokes being thrown at you so it was hard to fully get what each scene/character was saying. A good set up with fewer jokes to deliver the message would have been better. In this way ASHFALL tried too hard to be funny and it was a bit hit and miss. ASHFALL fans have been waiting for this sequel, and yes, there is no deviation from the foul language, parody, cheesy one liners, hilarious one liners, action, laughter, tears and yes, drama! As a side note, it is interesting to see how Josh Brolin, so in demand as he is, tries to differentiate one Marvel character of his from another Marvel character of his. There are some tints but maybe that's the entire point as this is not the glossy, intense superhero like the first one, which many of the lead actors already portrayed in the past so there will be some mild confusion at one point. Indeed a new group of oddballs anti super anti super super anti heroes, it is entertaining and childish fun. In many ways, ASHFALL is the horror movie I've been restlessly waiting to see for so many years. Despite my avid fandom for the genre, I really feel that modern horror has lost its grasp on how to make a film that's truly unsettling in the way the great classic horror films are. A modern wide-release horror film is often nothing more than a conveyor belt of jump scares stASHFALLg together with a derivative story which exists purely as a vehicle to deliver those jump scares. They're more carnival rides than they are films, and audiences have been conditioned to view and judge them through that lens. The modern horror fan goes to their local theater and parts with their money on the expectation that their selected horror film will "deliver the goods", so to speak: startle them a sufficient number of times (scaling appropriately with the film's ASHFALLtime, of course) and give them the money shots (blood, gore, graphic murders, well-lit and up-close views of the applicable CGI monster etc. ) If a horror movie fails to deliver those goods, it's scoffed at and falls into the "worst film I've ever seen" category. I put that in quotes because a disgASHFALLtled filmgoer behind me broadcasted those exact words across the theater as the credits for this film rolled. He really wanted us to know his thoughts. Hi and Welcome to the new release called "ASHFALL" which is actually one of the exciting movies coming out in the year 2018. [WATCH] Online. ASHFALL Full Movie, New Release though it would be unrealistic to expect "ASHFALL" to have quite the genre-busting surprise of the original, it is as good as it can be without that shock of the new - delivering comedy, adventure and all too human moments with a generous hand.

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I thought this movie got cancelled lmaooo. When i saw the beginning i was expecting something akin to one book everybody read in high school. You know The Most Dangerous Game. Nope its a political murder movie. This is. gonna be interesting. حلوتيي💚. Ashfall darla.


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The first cow.


First country to make ice cream. First cow in america. First cowboys were black. Cows are looking good. Hows The creep feeder doing before I go buy one have the bigger cows tried to get into it or move it around any. First cowtown. First cow sanctuary in india. First cow horse association. Mérycisme autisme. At the end, being vegan is worth it. First cow a24. This looks like an impressive turn for the franchise. I actually saw a vice documentary on a place in Canada that does this type of thing for disabled people. YouTube.


Homestuck Upd8 got us like. First cow showtimes. First convenience number. Superb 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼. First cowboy hat. First castle credit union la. First cow rating. First cow the movie trailer. First com. First watch. First cow in history. First college student. First cowcotland. Synopsis A taciturn loner and skilled cook has traveled west and joined a group of fur trappers in Oregon Territory, though he only finds true connection with a Chinese immigrant also seeking his fortune; soon the two collaborate on a successful business, although its longevity is reliant upon the clandestine participation of a nearby wealthy landowner’s prized milking cow. Cast Crew Details Genres Director Producers Writers Cinematography Production Design Sound Costumes Popular reviews More [kelly reichardt watching FIRST MAN] hahahaha what? no. noooo. no no no no, this is all wrong. it’s fine, i’ll do it myself. a24: cow film enthusiasts: say no more Just an unstoppably lovely film, with two great lead perfs and the cutest cow I have ever seen. Reichardt seems to almost be showing off with her use of the 4:3 aspect ratio. Far from feeling boxed in, these images are towering and expansive. But more than just being a film about stereotypical Reichardt themes like friendship and nature and survival, it’s about how shitty it is that you need money to live and how that requirement infects the sublimity of your passions. Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free? Because sometimes the world doesn’t give you the option. Cool movie I saw ari aster at the theatre and there were so many old women I thought were claire denis but weren’t. A shame! Reichardt returns to the wilds of the Oregon Trail in this quietly stunning, fable-esque tale about the origin of the American Dream. Kind-hearted, lovingly paced, and meekly observed, the story takes its sweet, sweet time setting in motion a mystery of two skeletons, lying side by side, holding hands, forging an unusual friendship they shared during mortality. Of special note is the fact that " Wendy and Lucy " are the ones who dig up these ancient bones, who immediately give the story a whimsical, intertextual framing.  From this haunted opening we time-travel back to an era when the skeletons were flesh-and-blood pioneers, foraging their way through untamed America with nothing but the currency of cow's milk to keep them afloat. The… Recent reviews For some, a "moo"sterpiece. For me, a meandering slog with occasional lyrical passages and welcome respites, like a final appearance by the late Rene Auberjonois as "Man with Raven. " The intent of that may be to remind us of MCCABE AND MRS. MILLER (71), and so it does, but it also calls attention to the lack of bustle and vitality in this 19th century period piece, as two men, a cook (John Magaro) and a Chinese refugee wanted for murder (Orion Lee), ally amidst the expansion of the Oregon fur trade in the 1820s. Squeezed into the Academy ratio much of it takes place in the dark as the two men converse in whispers and you can't see or hear… it would be such a missed opportunity if a24 doesn’t sell first cow milk if this isn’t about the first Cow on the moon imma be pissed On a purely pictorial level, First Cow is marvelous. For the middle hour, when it becomes a culinary crime thriller, I was riveted. And then for the last twenty minutes? Reader, I was dozing, but I dreamed sweet dreams. Another thoughtfully and well constructed world by Kelly Reichardt. First Cow is more plot driven than her slice of life dramas i. e. Wendy and Lucy and Old Joy - a bookend story that feels longer to conclude. It drags longer than one (I) care to be dragged. And I love to be dragged, I love a journey. I've been craving Reichardt's landscapes and attentive character building so, in a nutshell First Cow brought me a lot of joy. But, perhaps it's just reminiscent enough of her prior work for me. First Cow is a beautiful pensive period piece that gives you want you want and takes away nothing in return. “History isn’t here yet, ” King-Lu (Orion Lee) tells Cookie (John Magaro). “Maybe this time we can be ready for it. We can take it on its own terms. ” That sense of a wide-open, limitless future isn’t just part of the narrative of Kelly Reichardt’s 'First Cow'; it’s part of her aesthetic, which plunges us into these period-dress stories of American frontier history, but anchors them in spontaneity and timeless concerns. The creature of the title is the first such animal in the area, point of pride for a rich landowner (Toby Jones); its milk becomes a stand-in for the simple pleasures and other extravagancies that seem just barely out of everyone else’s reach. Deliberate, methodical, yet warm and funny, 'First… Popular Lists More A24 - Complete Filmography Full list of A24's filmography, chronologically. See notes for release dates and gross. ⬇️⬇️⬇️ A24 is an independent New-York-based film company….

Mérycisme définition. First cow chop video. First coffee.

Happens  a lot up here in Canada, use the feed for traction on all tires next time

I got chills when he started singing. I love remakes when done correctly. August 30, 2019 8:47PM PT Kelly Reichardt gently explores how friendship and other human connections may have worked in a remote trading post in the Oregon Territory, circa 1820. After reports she was looking to make a movie abroad, Kelly Reichardt returns to the familiar wilds of Oregon with “ First Cow, ” a loose yet engaging adaptation of Pacific Northwest chronicler (and frequent Reichardt collaborator) Jon Raymond’s novel “The Half-Life” — which, according to the director, was the book that made her want to work with him in the first place. Set a decent stretch before “Meek’s Cutoff, ” an austere frontier disaster movie that explored the tragic fate of ill-prepared pioneers along the Oregon Trail, “First Cow” restores this familiar territory (which she and Raymond have been exploring since “Old Joy”) to an earlier time, just as the Royal West Pacific Trading Post receives its first dairy cow. Today, Americans take convenience for granted: Milk is sold by the gallon, biscuits can be gotten ready-made and a sophisticated economy exists for the buying and selling of goods. But Reichardt imagines a situation before so-called civilization — although, by the 1820s, the area had in fact been inhabited for thousands of years, it was still a few decades from statehood — when two outsiders without status found opportunity there, as well as an unlikely kind of friendship, by stealing the milk from the aforementioned cow to make “oily cakes” in a far-flung camp starved for any taste of home. In their capacity as a mass medium, the movies have been such a powerful tool in shaping the public’s ideas of masculinity that it’s uncommon to see grown men embrace, or otherwise show any kind of physical affection. With this film, and to the extent that you accept Reichardt’s minimalist version of the past as accurate, the director invites us to consider what we have lost since society caught up with this primeval enclave on the edge of the world. Considering the attention Reichardt typically pays to female characters, one might rightly ask, where are the women in “First Cow”? There’s one in the opening scene: Alia Shawkat plays an anonymous young Oregonian — let’s call her Wendy — who’s walking her dog (might as well be Lucy) in the woods, when the animal finds a bone. Turns out, it’s a human cranium, long abandoned and only half buried. Lucy wanders off, while Wendy kneels and starts to brush away the surrounding dirt, slowly (everything happens slowly in Kelly Reichardt movies), to reveal two skeletons, both male, lying side by side, holding hands. That’s the last we see of Wendy or Lucy. From there on, “First Cow” unfolds in the past, concerning itself instead with other mysteries: Who were these two men? How did they get there? How did they die? And what was their relationship? At least, these questions are where certain minds will immediately gravitate, although the beauty of Reichardt’s work is that her movies are slender and unhurried and open-ended enough to invite any number of reactions. With “First Cow, ” we could just as easily muse on the fact that this 21st-century hiker has chosen this afternoon to venture out into the wild, looking for … what? Most likely, she just wanted to escape her modern life for a few hours, to get away from the traffic, ignore the telephone and lose herself in nature. “First Cow” offers audiences the same opportunity, even if this particular excursion should be laced with melancholy, seeing as how the two men we’re about to meet are bound to die together. Following along as he collects mushrooms, we meet “Cookie” Figowitz (John Magaro), so-called because he prepares the meals for a traveling group of salty fur trappers. Cookie is soft-spoken and too gentle for the likes of them, barely capable of catching wild animals for supper (at one point, he pauses to flip a salamander squirming on its back). He’s certainly not prepared to defend himself from the curious stranger (Orion Lee) he stumbles upon hiding naked in the brush. At first, Cookie assumes this exotic-looking man is a Native American, only to discover that he’s in fact Chinese, a sailor named King-Lu, on the run from a group of Russians, and desperately hungry. Cookie could easily turn him in, but instead chooses to assist King-Lu, establishing in that instant a connection that blooms when the two men are reunited a short time later at the trading post, a makeshift community with precious few women — and even less in the way of livestock. Here, Reichardt and Raymond’s script takes its most significant departure from the novel. In the book, Cookie and a different friend earn their fortune trading castoreum, a sweet-smelling substance beavers use to mark their territory. The screen version streamlines their capitalistic venture considerably: Cookie cooks — while King-Lu markets — “oily bread” they make using milk stolen from the colony’s English chief factor (Toby Jones), who has married a Native (Lily Gladstone), lives in a proper house and owns the primitive settlement’s first and only cow. That’s a simpler idea, and one that lends the ensuing story a basic, fable-like quality — far preferable to the relatively elaborate plot of Raymond’s book (described by Kirkus Reviews as “unglamorous and sad, but compelling, ” which could also be said for most of Reichardt’s movies). Reichardt specializes in pared-down narratives, sometimes stripping away so much that boredom sets in. “First Cow” may be lean, but it offers ample room to ruminate in the comparison between its two time periods. Reuniting with “Meek’s Cutoff” DP Christopher Blauvelt, Reichardt once again confines the West’s panoramic potential to a nearly square cinematic frame — although in this case, the boxed-in Academy ratio serves to shift our focus from the land to the special bond between these two characters, which is a beautiful thing. If there are conspicuously few female characters in Reichardt’s latest film (Natives are also included, but strictly in supporting roles), it’s because the director wants to draw attention to a kind of homophilic connection. While not impossible today, it seems easier beyond society’s reach, when the Pacific Northwest was still wild and friendship wasn’t something one declared publicly via Facebook moments after making someone’s acquaintance, but a kind of profound intimacy that developed over time. James Bond made his way to Super Bowl LIV, debuting a new trailer for “No Time to Die. ” The footage, putting the spotlight on Daniel Craig’s British spy, promises the 25th “Bond” movie will change everything. “No Time to Die” is Craig’s fifth take on the secret agent, a role he first assumed in 2006’s [... ] Scarlett Johansson and Florence Pugh take center stage in the new “Black Widow” trailer that dropped at the 54th Super Bowl. Details are scarce on the next Marvel movie, directed by Cate Shortland, but new footage teases Natasha Romanoff’s life before she was an Avenger. “You don’t know everything about me, ” Johansson’s Black Widow says [... ] Tom Cruise has made an enemy in the newest “Top Gun: Maverick” trailer, which premiered during the 54th annual Super Bowl on Sunday. “My Dad believed in you, I’m not going to make the same mistake, ” says Miles Teller who is playing Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw, son of Nick “Goose” Bradshaw, deceased wingman to Cruise’s character. [... ] The Sundance Film Festival is fighting a battle that’s been building for several years, and what it’s fighting for can be summed up in one word: relevance. What makes a Sundance movie relevant? In a sense, the old criteria still hold. It’s some combination of box-office performance, awards cachet, and that buzzy, you-know-it-when-you-see-it thing of [... ] When Tim Bell died in London last summer, the media response was largely, somewhat sheepishly, polite: It was hard not to envision the ruthless political spin doctor still massaging his legacy from beyond the grave. “Irrepressible” was the first adjective chosen in the New York Times obituary. “He had far too few scruples about who he [... ] After three weeks in theaters, Sony’s “Bad Boys for Life” is officially the highest-grossing installment in the action-comedy series. The Will Smith and Martin Lawrence-led threequel has made $291 million globally to date, pushing it past previous franchise record holder, 2003’s “Bad Boys II” and its $271 million haul. The first entry, 1995’s “Bad Boys, ” [... ] World War I story “1917” dominated the BAFTA film awards, which were awarded Sunday evening at London’s Royal Albert Hall with Graham Norton hosting. The wins for “1917” included best film, best director for Sam Mendes and outstanding British film. The awards are broadcast on the BBC in the United Kingdom and at 5 p. m. ].

First cowboy church of burnet county. First cowboy game 2020. Koi sboot bilkul jout. First row sp. Critics Consensus No consensus yet. 90% TOMATOMETER Total Count: 10 Coming soon Release date: Mar 6, 2020 Audience Score Ratings: Not yet available First Cow Ratings & Reviews Explanation First Cow Videos Movie Info Kelly Reichardt once again trains her perceptive and patient eye on the Pacific Northwest, this time evoking an authentically hardscrabble early nineteenth century way of life. A taciturn loner and skilled cook (John Magaro) has traveled west and joined a group of fur trappers in Oregon Territory, though he only finds true connection with a Chinese immigrant (Orion Lee) also seeking his fortune; soon the two collaborate on a successful business, although its longevity is reliant upon the clandestine participation of a nearby wealthy landowner's prized milking cow. From this simple premise Reichardt constructs an interrogation of foundational Americana that recalls her earlier triumph Old Joy in its sensitive depiction of male friendship, yet is driven by a mounting suspense all its own. Reichardt again shows her distinct talent for depicting the peculiar rhythms of daily living and ability to capture the immense, unsettling quietude of rural America. Rating: PG-13 (for brief strong language) Genre: Directed By: Written By: In Theaters: Mar 6, 2020 limited Runtime: 122 minutes Studio: A24 Cast News & Interviews for First Cow Critic Reviews for First Cow Audience Reviews for First Cow There are no featured reviews for First Cow because the movie has not released yet (Mar 6, 2020). See Movies in Theaters First Cow Quotes News & Features.

First capital of new york. First cowboy game. First cowboy quarterback. First carolina bank. First cowboys were black worksheets. First world war armistice. First cow milk. First cowboys in america. First cow reaction. Love you Cowsep keep the vids up. Kelly Reichardt has hit the front in the early stages of Screen ’s Berlin 2020 Competition jury grid with her latest film First Cow. It received consistent scores from all seven critics, with nothing lower than a two (average) and this year’s first score of four (excellent) from Screen ’s own critic, culminating in a 2. 7 average. The film, which premiered at Telluride last year, centres on a cook who signs on to serve a party of fur trappers in the Pacific Northwest, forming a friendship with a Chinese immigrant. Philippe Garrel’s French-Swiss co-production The Salt Of Tears landed in second place of the four titles so far, with a 2. 3 average. The Paper ’s Wang Muyan, The Morning Star ’s Rita Di Santo and Screen ’s own critic considered it worthy of a three (good); but this was counterbalanced by a one (poor) from Die Zeit ’s Katja Nicodemus. Cannes regular Garrel’s latest starsLogan Antuofermo opposite Oulaya Amamra and Louise Chevillotte as a carpentry apprentice torn between two women, one in Paris and the other in his provincial hometown. Next on the grid are homeland favourite Christian Petzold with Undine, and Marco Dutra and Caetano Gotardo with All The Dead Ones. Introducing the 2020 EFP Shooting Stars.

Anybody know the name of the hair she received in the PO Box I seen it at the beauty supply and idk the name of it😫. Looks good all 3 of my kids showed Herefords. There a good animal for the kids to work with. First cow film trailer. First cow trailer 2020. First coworkers than friend. Okay I almost had a heart attack when I heard frank ocean in the back. Thank you jesus. I'm so excited! I'm so thrilled that they are bringing the most noble knight to the big screen is such an amazing way <3. First cow girl.